'Aaaaaaaah! Thank fuck!'

'Profanity, Yura.'

'Profanity my ass! I got 94/100 on my algebra test, and 19/20 for my Italian quiz. Celebrate, you asshole!'

Otabek lowered his book, calling out a sarcastic, fairly dead, 'Woohoo,' with his hilariously straight face. Viktor and the two Yu(ur)ri's laughed, the blonde Yuri kicking back on his chair with another relieved sigh. The day turned out better than expected, especially with Mila. Before he knew it, he had leaned back too far on the chair and was about to topple onto the floor when Otabek's olive-skinned hands caught him.

'Careful, child. Your back.'

'Oh, right. Thanks, Beka.' Yuri got back to doodling detailed birds as Viktor and Yuuri glared at the two in confusion, before shrugging their shoulders and finishing up their homework. The four of them had decided to head to the library after school, so bought their own drinks. Yuri had gotten himself a lemonade due to the intense heat of late April, and a straw because why not. He slurped some of the drink before returning to his art homework, leaving the bottle between him and Otabek. The raven picked it up and started drinking in silence, and when Yuri reached to grab it again, he felt air in his grasp.

Turning to look, the teen whined when he realised Otabek had taken it. 'Aww, that was miiiine.'

Still slurping at the straw, the Kazakh looked at Yuri out of the corner of his eye, the familiar stoic expression still plastered onto his face. After about ten more seconds of slurping, he lowered the bottle and held it in front of Yuri's mouth.

'Yay!' The blonde lunged at the straw gleefully, drinking until he had enough. All the while, Otabek maintained his blank expression, secretly adoring Yuri's cute childishness. Viktor and his boyfriend were simply smiling as they finished up their biology project.

'Indirect kiss, Yurioooooo!'

'You have a deformed dickhead, Viktooooooor!'

They all laughed, including Otabek this time, who blushed a little when Viktor teased. He snuck a peek at Yuri's birds – most of them were small sparrows or robins, some were crows and eventually, there was a peacock. Very similar to the one Yuri had painted a few nights ago.

'They're beautiful, Yura.'

'Meh, just sketches. If I had time for watercolours, oh boy...'

'Why don't you use them?'

'This is homework, I want to save them for my own art. Besides, I'm running out...' Yuri stopped drawing. Instead, he grabbed his pencil and sharpened it violently into a little box. He stood up abruptly, emptied it in the closest bin and sat down with a sigh. 'It's way too hot, I think I'm gonna pass out...' Otabek glanced down at Yuri's forehead – it was true, his skin was practically shining with beads of sweat and his hair stuck to his skin annoyingly.

'And this is just Spring. Imagine Summer...' Yuuri, too, had downed three bottles of ice water by now. 'I think my shirt is sticking to my skin.'

'Tell me about it. Jeez, I might have to ditch the tights tomorrow.' Yuri tugged uncomfortable at the black tights he wore underneath his denim shorts, chugging down the last of their lemonade. 'Are you OK with that, Beka?'

The raven blushed insanely, shaking his hands as if he had been accused of something false. 'Why're you asking me, they're your legs-'

'Answer me, Beka.' Yuri rolled his eyes, smiling as he spoke. It didn't sound demanding at all, yet Otabek was compelled to speak.

'No, I don't mind. Perverts are perverts.'

'Good point. What're you guys doing afterwards?'

'Probably going straight home,' mumbled Yuuri, now too concentrated to look up. 'I'm helping with dinner today.' At this remark, Viktor practically bounded up in his seat.

'Mind if I come over?!'

'Guess not. What about you, Yuri. And Otabek?'

'Hmm. I'd rather go home, I have homework to catch up on.' The younger Russian untied his hair, running a hand through his now sweaty locks. 'I'm so having a shower afterwards.'

'Then I'll go home. I've got homework, too, so you can't talk me out of it Yura.' Otabek patted the blonde's head as if he were a child, earning a grumble from the latter.

'Don't miss out on the fun because you feel sorry for me.'

'Viktor and Yuuri deserve some time alone, too, now let's get going.'

Viktor had stuffed ten pork cutlet bowls down his throat that evening, and was left with Yuuri when his parents went out to Minako's place – and old family friend, apparently. They crawled upstairs and lunged straight for the bed, giggling when their heads collided.

'Who's this Minako? Your ex?'

'WHAT?! NO! She's like, twice my age!'

'Thank god. Then?'

'My old ballet teacher.'

'You did ballet too?'

Yuuri nodded, texting as he spoke. 'Yeah, when I was like, 8. I stopped because I didn't enjoy it, but she's still a friend.'

'Hmm.' Viktor slumped backwards until his head hit the pillow, and spotted a little dog in a picture frame on Yuuri's shelf. He bounded straight back up, picking up the photo and cooing at the adorable, brown poof.

'That's Vicchan. He died... when I was 12. Gosh, that poodle was the cutest.'

'AWW, HE'S ADORABLE! But, I couldn't help but notice, Vicchan...?'

'Y-Yeah. I kinda...'


'I-I was crushing on you in elementary, too. Then middle school. This is like a dream come true~'

'It is a dream come true.' The Russian made his exaggeratedly 'touched' expression, eyes glistening and one hand over his wide, smiling mouth. When Yuuri gave him a hug, it widened into a heart-shaped one.

'I love you, Viktor...'

'I love you too, Yuuri!' Viktor took the cuddle straight back to the bed, rubbing his nose against the Asian's far too often. Yuuri was the type of person to be enclosed, but, as long as they were alone, he never was with Viktor. Instead, he stroked Viktor's platinum hair with one hand, rubbing his back with the other.

'Vicchan, look up.'

Viktor did as he was told, but with a look of adorable surprise on his face. 'I-Is that nickname still allowed?'

'Of course. Why not?'

'I just hoped you were okay, is all.'

'Aww, Viktor.' Yuuri kissed the Russian hastily, savouring the cuddles while they lasted. Viktor eventually bought them to one slow, passionate kiss that had both of them flustered beyond compare.

'How does my little cousin do this so easily?!'

Yuuri chuckled, peppering Viktor's face with kisses. His lips, of course, were the favourite, followed closely by the tip of the latter's nose. 'I think he's losing his virginity before any of us.'

'I hope the fuck not, he's an angel that must be protected.' Viktor switched to a serious face, earning most of the laughter for mimicking Otabek. 'They're adorable. But you're cuter.'

'Don't talk to yourself, Vicchan.'

'Oh, I see how it is...' And with that, Viktor was tickling his boyfriend until the two of them were choking from laughter.

Soul Art - Otayuri AUWhere stories live. Discover now