Part 4

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Soooo like I said, the next day was the worst.

We're walking to our classes from morning Assembly and I'm having a conversation with N (I forgot what about) but eventuality we got to talking about what she said at the end of the day before, and we got into an argument. L, E (the frying pan) and I get to our class and N says something I don't hear fully:
"-knows, you know", then walks away with a smug look on her face.

I turn to L and ask what she said. "she said our mom knows. About you and J. N told her but we made her promise not to tell anyone"

Thank god our teacher got there and let us into the classroom before she could say anything else. I sit down at my desk and I'm so close to tears, for multiple reasons: 1)they betrayed my trust 2) my school does this thing where we celebrate our birthdays by eating lunch with our parents. The next day was april (N and L) may, A (who wasn't here this day and wouldn't be back for a few days) and June (me), so I would have to see their mom, without anyone else none the less.

When the bell rings I book it second period, which I have with J only, so I can tell her what happened.

Before I can even say anything, J says "I really want to punch the (insert N and L last name) right now!"
I said "did you hear what they did?"
"they told their mom about you and me being bi"

So second and third period go by and then comes locker break. Me and J sit down with N and talk to her. The conversation went something like this:

J "N, we need to talk"

Me "we trusted you with private information that we didn't want anyone else to know, and you went home and spilled. thats not ok. you betrayed our trust'

N "well I didn't know how to handle the situation" A/N: those were her exact words. J will tell you the same thing

J "there's no need to handle anything!!"

me "its not like we're gonna treat you different"

N "so you both think you will passionately kiss a girl in the future?"

J "Yeah. Why not?!'

Me "yeah."

N "Ok, look. Our parents always told us that a boy and a girl were supposed to be together, so they can have children. We're uncomfortable (A/N: she said "we" but L came over at some point and shook her head, saying she wasn't uncomfortable. She's part of the LGBT+ community: Ace) our parents always told me there were 3 people I could could trust: them and L."

Me "well then why did you go to them? if they've always told you a boy should be with a girl, obviously they're gonna you a one-sided, negative opinion."

J "if you're uncomfortable, you should've come to us. were open to talking if you want to talk."

N "Ugh!! just leave me alone!" and she turned around to another group of girls and and tried to join in their conversation, failing. She got up to go to the bathroom, and when she came back, she stopped, glared at us, them walked away smugly to the other group.

J "why do all the bad things happen when A and E aren't here?" A/N: A and E were at a wedding and a funeral

Me "yeah. life really sucks right now."

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