Part 3

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Fast forward to the end of the day:

We're in line to get on the buses. I'm alone with N and her twin, L, who is one of the 2 asexuals in our group. She's cool. Anyway, out of no where, N says to me "why are you bi?" in a slightly accusing tone. I'm silent for a second and she asks "like, are you bi because J and A are, or do you actually see yourself kissing a girl in your future?"

Then L chimes in with "yeah sometimes you use saying you're like other people as a way to support them." if someone is going through something, I try to imagine myself in their shoes and imagine what they feel, but in this was my own feelings, which I'd had since before A and J came out.

I honest to God had no idea how to respond, but I managed to stutter out "well, yeah, maybe. But I can't predict the Future. Also, I think I would know my sexuality better than you would."

As soon as I got off the bus I face timed K (the one I was on the phone with when my dad walked in) and told her what happened, as I usually do when something happens, since she is the only one in the group that doesn't go to our school, and she gives good advice. Seriously, what did I do to deserve you, K?

After talking to K, I thought this would all blow over soon. It didn't. The next day was the worst.

A/N: Go follow TheMusicalTrash  (K) bathbomb_cronch  (adopted frying pan) ye_its_me_a (A) and hermione030105  (J)

Also sorry this one is so Short. I just thought this was a good place to end this chapter. (plus I'm hella tired and need sleep. I was asleep for most of math class today)

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