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I kicked the rocks on the sidewalk as Ed's and I walked to the park.

Eddie: Whos gonna be there?

Richie : Bill, Stan, mike, Ben and Bev

Eddie: Cool

He seemed excited to meet new people

Richie: Are you gay?

He looked up at me and gave me a confused look

Richie: Do you even know what that means?

Eddie: Of course I do I'm not dumb! But no, I'm not

Richie: Have you ever even met a girl?

Eddie: My cousin...?

I wanted him to meet Bev. Shes flirty so maybe something will spark

Bill: Hey!

Bill waved at us from a park bench and the others waved too

Richie: Guys, this is Eddie

Mike: Sup Eddie, I'm Mike, this is Ben and this is—

Bev: —Beverly, you can call me Bev

She winked at him and he smiled

Eddie: Nice to meet you guys!

He went around giving everyone hugs and they all awed

Mike: How'd a cute little dude like you get stuck with a guy like Rich?

Everyone laughed, except me

Eddie: Well I was running from a spider and I bumped into him, kind of lame

Bill choked on his spit he was laughing so hard. Bev pinched his cheek

Bev: You really are adorable!

He smiled and she offered a seat next to her on the grass. I sat next to Mike

Mike: He'll fit in well

Richie: Yeah?

Mike: Bev is already drooling over him

He pointed and I looked at her sitting very close to him, touching his shoulder and laughing at what he was saying. It made me feel weird

Bill: Let's p-play Q and A

Eddie: What's that?

Ben: You just ask everyone a question around the circle

Stan: I'll start. Mike, what's your favorite color?

Mike: Lame. But it's yellow. Bill, who do you think is the cutest one here?

His face got red and I chuckled, already getting an idea of who I thought it was. Everyone put on their angel faces and waited for him to pick

Bill: E-Eddie! Not e-even a question!

Eddie blushed and smiled as everyone awed

Eddie: Haha, thanks Bill

Bill: R-Richie, do you like someone? As I-In a

My eyes widened and I looked up at the sky, thinking. Then I looked over at Eddie who wasn't even paying attention and playing with a flower

Richie: I don't know... I suck at feelings.

Stan: We know trash mouth

I rolled my eyes and gave him the middle finger, earning a disapproving glance from Eddie

Richie: Bev, when was the last time you fought someone?

Bev: Well, I did beat the shit out of Greta. But that's about it. Eddie... have you had your first kiss?

He put down his flower and fidgeted

Richie: You don't have to answer...

Eddie: It's Okay...No I haven't.

He gave everyone a shy smile

Ben: I haven't either so your not alone

Stan: I don't think any of us have but Bev and Rich

I sighed and gave Stan the "shut the fuck up" look

Bev: Mine was Henry. At a school play

Eddie: What about you Rich?

He didn't seem bothered at all by the question but I was sooo fucking uncomfortable! But I wasn't about to lie

Richie: It was in the first year of high school, Janet T. She's a hoe now

Everyone laughed, including Ed's. He looked down at his watch, then up at the setting sun

Eddie: I should be getting home, I'll see you guys later!

He waved bye and everyone said goodbye

Richie: I'll walk you home!

I got up and caught up to him. He was smiling back at me

Richie: Whatcha think?

Eddie: Their all really nice! I like them

Richie: What about Beverly?

I was starting to think maybe him and Beverly shouldn't be a couple. It gave me a weird feeling that I couldn't explain when I seen her flirt with him

Eddie: Oh, she's nice too. Very touchy, but kind

Richie: Did you notice her flirting?

Eddie: She was flirting? With me?

Richie: Duh Ed's. How could you not tell

Eddie: I guess I just see her as a friend

He shrugged and I took a breath of relief. Then he asked me a question that made me stop in my tracks

Eddie: Do you think I'm capable of being loved?

He turned around to face me, but he had to look up to meet my eyes

Richie: Why do you always ask me these types of questions?

Eddie: Because your the only one I know that can answer them. What if I'm just alone forever? What if I never meet anyone? What if I just can't be loved?

He looked down at the grass. I could tell what he was feeling. Lonley.

And I would too if I were in his shoes. I walked up to him and grabbed him by the shoulders, causing him to look up

Richie: You are. Who wouldn't love you? Your adorable, kind, funny...and you helped a misfit kid that couldn't even be happy. You are worthy of so much love.

He was silent for a little bit, but not breaking our eye contact. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me tightly, resting his head on my chest. I froze not knowing how to feel

Eddie: Thank you Rich

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him, resting my chin on his head. I don't like this. It makes my stomach hurt and makes me feel warm. This isn't who I am

Richie: No problem Eddie Spaghetti



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