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A day had passed and I still hadn't seen Richie. I was back to my same boring schedule. My mom left for the night and I was alone, washing dishes and cleaning smudged windows.

I heard a knock on the door and peeked through the peep hole to see Bill. I opened it and smiled

Eddie: Hey Bill

Bill: Hey Eddie, h-have you
s-seen Richie?

I frowned at the mention of his name

Eddie: No. Not since the day he stood me up

Bill: W-what do you mean?

Eddie: He said he would come over 2 nights ago and he never showed. I stayed up all night waiting for him

Bill: Well s-stan and I haven't seen h-him either. Can y-you text m-me if you see him?

Eddie: Sure, give me your number

He dialed it into my phone and I saved it as "Big Bill". I waved goodbye and went back to cleaning.

I couldn't care less about that lying trash mouth


I was up later than usual. My mom still wasn't home and I couldn't sleep. But I was cozy in bed wearing a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants, watching
"Full House ". I heard a russel in the bushes outside and opened my window to investigate. I looked down to see Richie climbing up on my shed, only a few inches in front of me.

Eddie: What are you doing here.

I made sure my voice was stern


Richie: I just came to visit my Ed's

I booped his nose and he scrunched it.

Eddie: Oh really? Why weren't you here the other night? Or the day after? Like you said you would be?

Richie: Look, something happened and I needed to get away for a while.

Eddie: No. you don't get to do that! You don't get to come into my life and make me feel special, then just come and go as you please!

His voice didn't waver or show any weakness. He was truly hurt.

Richie: Oh yeah? Well maybe I don't like the way you make me feel?

Eddie: If you don't like me then just leave!

He slammed the window shut and went back in his room. I slumped down and let my feet dangle off the shed

I couldn't handle the way Eddie makes me feel and act. Stan and Bill were right. I can't stand to be mad at this kid or even see him sad. And I don't get mad when he touches me and I don't hate comforting him. I hate it. I'm Richie Tozier, town misfit and bad guy. I'm not suppose to be so weak for someone so soft.

I thought he was a robot, incapable of feelings or anything. But he does have emotions and he is smart and kind. The only thing he's clueless to is sexual things.

But if he wants me to leave...

I jumped down from the shed and went to the front of the house. Coincidentally it was unlocked and I crept upstairs. He was sitting on his bed with his arms crossed. In one quick motion I entered his room and he stood up to say something but I covered his mouth.

Richie: Sh...

His angry face softened and he rolled his eyes. When I knew he wouldn't shout I let go of his mouth

Eddie: Your an idiot

Richie: And your sassy.

Eddie: I don't want you here. Your just gonna leave.

Richie: No I won't

Eddie: That's what you said last time!

Richie: And look who came back! You know why I came back? Because I couldn't stop thinking of this small freckle faced boy that is always smiling and very touchy.

Eddie: If you care about me then why did you leave.

Richie: Because I'm not capable of handling feelings.

Eddie: Neither am I.

Richie: And that's why we should be friends. Forgive me?

I sighed and sat down on his bed.

Eddie: Okay, but only because your a good guy

I sat next to him

Richie: I'm no good guy, sweetheart.

Eddie: Well I'm sure bad guys don't say "sweetheart".

He rolled his eyes and mumbled something.

Richie: I did miss you though...

He gave me a shy smile and looked up to meet my gaze

Eddie: Me too.

He looked back down and then stumbled out a sentence fast

Eddie: Can I ask you a question?

Richie: Hm?

Eddie: What does it feel like to love someone?

Hearing him say that hurt. Has he seriously never loved anyone?

Richie: There's a lot of forms of love Ed's. Like you love your mom, because she cares for you. And you love your friends because they are there for you.

Eddie: I already know I love my mom silly. I mean like love, love.

I thought for a second. I'd never been in love. But I think I'm starting to know how it feels

Richie: When you love someone romantically, you want to be with that person all the time. You love them for everything that they are, even the things that they hate about themselves. Love is going back to a person even when they scream at you to leave. Because you love them too much to leave.

Eddie: have you been in love?

He looked up at me with doe eyes

Richie: I don't know... like I said I'm not good with feelings. Why are you asking this stuff anyways?

Eddie: Just wondering...

I don't know if Eddie could love someone romantically when the only people he's met is Bill, Stan and I.

Richie: How about I take you to meet more of my friends tomorrow?



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