Sora and Mikoto Vs Nappa

Start from the beginning

"Nappa, hurry up and defeat those two already. Kakarot is mine." Said Vegeta as a the same dark aura surrounding him for a minute before disappearing.

"Hehe. It is just you two to face me. You can't ever beat me. I am an elite a Saiyan. People like you two aren't strong enough to beat me." Said Nappa as he was bragging about his power.

"You say that. But my brother has faced a stronger foe than you. You will just be a cake walk to him." Said Mikoto. She had electricity coming out of her hand and the lighting was moving across the ground. Tons of Iron Sand began to form in her hand and formed a Iron Sand Sword.

"Yeah. I didn't want to use this move until I full master it. But no time like the present. Here goes." Said Sora. He began to make a low yell as his blue aura began to change into a red aura.

"What the.... What is this?" asked Nappa as he made a one step back. Sora yell slowly was tarting to get louder. Parts of the earth began to float in the air.

"His power level is rising like Kakarot?"

"KAIO-KEN!!!" Yelled Sora as a huge red aura surrounded him. After that yell, a huge crater was formed of he was standing. This was the Kaio-Ken move, created by King Kai.

"Ready Sis?" asked Sora as he was getting ready to end this fight.

"You bet." Said Mikoto.

Both Mikoto and Sora jumped at Nappa who had barely any time to doge their attacks. Mikoto used her Iron Sand Sword to made a slash on Nappa chest. Nappa spit out some blood as he didn't expect it to be so effective.

"Have a taste of this." Said Sora as he suddenly appeared above Nappa head and landed a hard drop kick. As Nappa was getting back up, he had time to look up to see both Mikoto and Sora did a combine fist punch at Nappa face.

Nappa was sent flying into one of the rock cliffs and caused it to fall down on him. A few seconds later, Nappa shot himself in the air to get out of there. Nappa had a angry look on his face. He turn his attention to Vegeta who was gasping for air as just got a punch in the stomach from Goku, who has lost his upper gi clothes.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!!" shouted Vegeta as he fly high the sky, e pull his hands back and had purple energy charging up in his palms. Goku pull his arms back and was getting his attack ready as blue energy was gathering in his hands.

"Ka...Me....Ha....Me..." Said Goku.

"Galick Gun!" Said Vegeta

"HA!!" Shouted Goku

The purple and Blue beam clashed against each other, both sides are equally match.

The purple and Blue beam clashed against each other, both sides are equally match

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"WHAT!?" shouted Vegeta.

"X4!!!" shouted Goku as his attack overpower Vegeta's and he was in a world of hurt. Vegeta screamed as he was shot far back into the sky.

At the same time, Nappa was still facing Sora and Mikoto. "Time to end this. Ka..Me..Ha..Me. HA!!!" shouted Sora as he unleash him attack at Nappa.

Nappa held out his hands as he was holding back Sora attack. Sora then increased his Kaio-ken by x5. Also, Mikoto released some of her lighting into the attack, causing it to be more powerful. This caused Nappa to lose his grip and was sent flying into the sky, along with Vegeta.

Sora then fell down to his knees and was panting really hard. The Kaio-ken does increase the power of a person but it leaves a huge toll on the body.

"You alright?" asked Mikoto as she help him to stand up.

"Yeah. I am decide to use that move only as a last resort." Said Sora. Sora grabbed a hold of Mikoto and he fly to over were Goku is. 

"You think they are beaten?" asked Sora.

"No. They are still kicking. Look." Said Goku as he pointed at the sky. Two fast figures came flying to them at fast speed.

The crashed landed in front of Sora, Mikoto and Goku. Once the dust settle, it showed that Vegeta and Nappa are still kicking.

"You will pay for this humiliation." Said Vegeta. This caused the heroes to be on their guard.


To be continued....................

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