- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arms crossed in a defiant posture whilst a smug grin plastered itself onto his face, a figure with a stiff stance was staring into the vast abyss of space. Grand Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin was staring with a sense of grim satisfaction. The marvel of a super weapon he had helped to create flushed him with a sense of ambitious pride. His solitary revels were rudely interrupted by an officer, who had come bounding in without permission.

"What is it?" he spoke calmly, with a noticeably underlying tone of displeasure. "Grand Admiral, there seems to be a major disruption near sector 8. Several droid and clone teams have reported it and failed in trying to neutralize the hostility."

"Is the deflector shield still in operation?" asked Tarkin.

"I'm afraid not, Sir. The entire system has been dismantled."

Tarkin took this in, assembling a thousand possibilities and questions at once. Finally, in a matter of seconds, he chose the most important one.

"Do you know who the intruder is?" he questioned.

The officer replied, saying how analysed security footage concludes it may be the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Master Kenobi? This is a surprise. Send down more troops and seal those hangars, I want him on my bridge now!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Obi-Wan peered around the corner, catching a glance at a group of battle droids. A gulp passes through his throat, his eyes set in stone focus, as he darted around the corner, breaking into a steady sprint in hope of reaching the hanger bay, where he had landed his Jedi interceptor earlier. The droid in command began yelling. But as quickly as the droid had spoken, Obi-Wan ignited his blue lightsaber again, as the droids were sliced through with ease. Clone troopers stormed around the end of the corridor, surrounding Obi-Wan, as they steadily fixated their blasters on him.

"Drop your weapon!" A clone shouted. Obi-Wan pondered on a course of action, whilst calming his thoughts and feelings. Eventually, he dropped his lightsaber, letting it fall to the ground. Another clone stepped behind him, bound his arms and marched towards the ship's bridge.

Admiral Tarkin was standing in the center deck, with a smug look playing upon his face, whilst a little grin played up at the corner of his lip.

"The great Obi-Wan Kenobi. This is daring, even by your standards! It doesn't surprise me that you went unnoticed for so long but, as usual, you were found."

Obi-Wan glared at Tarkin, letting a snarky reply almost fall out of his mouth. "You should be surprised I managed to land here! I remember the security being much higher on Separatists bases, and here you are saying how much better you are than them! "

"The Imperial Army is far superior to the Separatists scum. For your crimes against the Empire, you will certainly die. You will meet the same fate as your fallen Jedi friends. Although.. my ship has detected that an unpermitted data transfer was made earlier. I believe you are in possession of an item that belongs to me."

Obi-Wan looked down at the floor, like a naughty school child being told off.

"Search him!" Tarkin barked out, ordering over to his men.

One of the clones had begun to search Obi-Wan. Whilst reaching into the pocket of the Jedi, the clone intently pulled out a data stick. Much to Tarkin's amusement, he had held his hand out as the clone placed the data stick into his cold palm.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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