The kwami nuzzled her cheek before floating off and finding a spot in Marinette's bed to fall asleep. The sun had died, letting the moon breathe. Marinette followed Tikki up to her bed, but continued to her balcony. 

It was past Christmas - she had missed it. She imagined her friends and family celebrating without her.

The cold was beginning to calm - but it was still chilly, and Marinette snatched a blanket from her bed and slung it over her shoulders while leaning against the railing. 

She thought of those months when she had known nothing and had welcomed Chat Noir's company. She thought of how he had taken advantage of her lack of knowledge and spent time with her despite her wishes.

She was trying to do the right thing, so why did he disregard his own safety like that? And the safety of Paris?

Marinette sighed, about to turn around when her vision went dark and she could no longer see.

She raised her hands, trying to feel for that railing, for that blanket over her shoulders, but - nothing.

She took a step into the darkness, calling out. "Tikki?"

No answer.

Panic seized her. Where was she, if not at home, on her roof? Why couldn't she see, or hear the sounds of the cars below? 


And then she saw light. She ran for it, desperate to find a way out - but it wasn't a place. No, it was Chat. And he was looking right at her, holding out a hand.

"Princess, I've missed you."

"What?" she went rigid, her steps ceasing. She stood ten feet away, looking at this boy who meant the world to her and would never know. "Chat, I told you - I don't want you to come here again."

"It's only been a day, but I can't stay away," he said, walking towards her. 

She took a step backwards for every step he took towards her. "What? But you saw me this morning -"

And then she heard a voice - her voice - speak from somewhere behind her. "You silly stray. Don't bother trying to woo me." 

She whirled. There was another Marinette walking towards her, right at her, they were going to collide -

But the Marinette went through her like an image made of mist. Her form dissipated and reformed after passing through her, and the real Marinette turned again, watching. Now that she looked closer, she saw that the Chat Noir was made of mist, too. 

"But I've already wooed you, Princess," Chat said, grasping her hand and pulling it close. He kissed the back of it.

The other her laughed. "If you insist, Chat." 

Then she pulled out a knife and stabbed him with it.

Marinette screamed while the other one twisted it into his gut, a sick grin on her face as blood poured out, coating her hand. 

Marinette tried to run forward, to save him and stop the imposter, but it was like she couldn't even move. She could feel her legs working, but it was as if they were getting farther and farther away. "Chat," she screamed, her voice breaking. "Chat, no!"

And then his eyes slid to her - the real her - and the pain in his eyes, the betrayal... She screamed again, begging him to live, to be okay -

Her heart was shattering, and it felt like ice was in her blood, making every part of her shake in terror.


"Marinette, Marinette!" 

Her eyes flew open, tears slipping down her flushed cheeks. 

It was Chat Noir that held her in his arms. She blinked at the sight of him, utterly confused. He - he had just been stabbed. He wasn't supposed to be looking at her like he cared. 

"Are you okay?"

She was completely still before she realized everything she had seen was only a dream. 

She shoved him away. "W-what are you doing here?" She scrambled backwards until the railing was digging into her spine. 

He didn't move. He just looked at his hands where he had been holding her, crouched on the ground. 

She panted in fear or anticipation for the conversation to come - she didn't know. She had no idea what to say.

But then he spoke. "I'm...sorry," he whispered, not looking away from his hands. "I didn't mean..." His ears flattened against his head. 

He finally raised his head, looking at her. "I can't stay away."

His eyes were glittering with unshed tears and she felt guilty, so guilty, and knew that she couldn't go about this like she had the last time. She can't push him away in anger and fear. 

"Chat, you can't come here again. You know why."

His gaze drifted back to his hands and he looked devastated. 

"But," she choked, "But I want you to know... that I feel the same. It hurts me," she brought a hand to her chest as she eased off the railing and stood, "just as much as it hurts you. I can't stand being away from you. You mean the world to me, and that's why we can't be close. Because you can get hurt and there's no way I can survive that - not again."

He was tense, but he didn't even flinch at her words. She found her eyes watching the stars. "I will alway love you. But I have to stay away for your sake. For Paris's sake. We can never be together. I'm sorry, Chat." Tears dripped off her chin, staining the ground at her feet, scarring her soul.

"I can't be your weakness."

With those words, he shot to his feet, startling her. His chin was tilted up and he looked down at her with rage. Not rage at her - but at the circumstances. "You once said to me, Princess, that I could be weak with you. You are my weakness, you are my everything, and honestly, I don't give a damn about Paris, or the world, or anything as long as you're safe. So I will go, and I will never look at you again, but know that I will always think of you." He didn't bother wiping his tears away. "You will always be the one I'll choose, the one I want before anyone else. So when the day comes where Hawkmoth is defeated and Ladybug and I are no longer needed, I will come for you."

He smiled grimly. 

"And I will make you mine."

Those of you with dirty minds...


*cough* Anyway. Please check my message board for more announcements. 

Amnesia [MARICHAT]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora