First competition

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The Clef-hangers were packing up for their first competition. They were fully prepared to win. But they were going to be gone for 2 months. Perry may have been new to the group but she was a fast learner, she learned the moves easily. Velvet and Button already made her uniform. Perry wasn't a big fan of dresses but she decided to wear it anyways. She was glad to be a Clef-hanger. But the Clef-hangers noticed that Iris's behavior was changing. Iris started be really bossy during rehearsals. She would start yelling at people when they didn't do a move right, she would snap whenever somebody suggested doing a different song, she would gag whenever she would start to rant, she was getting really controlling, and she kept repeating the same rule since day one: no treblemakers. Iris was this way because she was stressed about winning that competition. She did not want to lose to the treblemakers. Losing to them would mean they'd have something to drop on the clef- hangers. Iris really wanted to win it was her dream since she was little. She didn't want her dream to be over because of a team of jerks. And that's not the only thing that happened. The troublemakers had a new addition to their group. You're right it doesn't sound like something really bad but it was bad. The new member of the team was Berry. If you don't remember who Berry is he is none of them Perry's boyfriend. Of course Twig was the first one to find out this heartbreaking news and it was even more heartbreaking when she told Perry. Perry loved the clef hangers and she didn't want to leave. So Twig told her she had to keep her relationship a secret. Perry agreed on the idea and immediately informed Berry about it. Berry went to see her and she immediately explained everything. Berry being the nice guy he was completely understood and agreed to this to. Nobody could know Twig, Perry, and Berry were the only ones who were aware of this.

( With Twig )

Twig: finally finished packing.

Branch: packing already ?

Twig: yeah I leave tomorrow.

Branch: I can't believe my little sister is a singer.

Twig: please I'm not a professional singer.

Branch: to me you are.

Twig: thanks big bro.

Branch: anytime sis.

Twig: well I'm gonna get some sleep.

Branch: alright night sis.

Twig: night bro.

( With Branch )

Poppy: you ready for bed branchie.

Branch: yeah I'm ready pops.

Poppy: ok.

( the next morning )
Poppy and Branch were still asleep but Twig, Clover, and Iris were awake as can be. Since their siblings were still asleep they decided to wake up there siblings with a prank. Twig grabbed an air horn from her bookshelf and all 3 of them snuck into their siblings' room. Twig crept near the bed as quietly as possible and as soon as she was close enough she made the air horn go off frightening both her brother and her sister-in-law.

Branch: TWIG WHAT GIVES !?!?

( all 3 of them roll on the floor laughing )


Twig: to wake you up.

Iris: if you don't remember we have to leave.

Branch: oh that's right.

Poppy: we completely forgot.

Clover: no worries. You still have time to get ready and take us to the bus stop.

Branch: alrighty.

Branch and Poppy both get up and get dressed. They both eat breakfast quickly and take there siblings to the bus stop.

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