An Awkward Class

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"So when is the teacher coming?" I asked. They're taking a long time now that I think about it.

"Who knows? I certainly don't care." Dough grumbled. "I only care about these premium chairs."

"Here we go again." Mic grumbled.

"Chairs are like, the best thing in the world. They're comfy and you can sit on them." Dough explained.

"Oh. . ." I didn't really know how to take that. "That's nice." I said awkwardly.

"I know right? You should totally get a good chair like this." Dough said pushing a wooden chair towards me.

"Um. . no thank you." I politely declined.

Then the door opened. A man with jet black hair with electric blue highlights walked in. He had a black suit with a blue shirt that matched his highlights. He had a pair of black glasses on too. 

"Everyone is here right? Let me do a roll call quick" He said. So I guess he's our teacher.

"Balloon Helium?"


"Baseball Homes?"


"Nerd" Trophy mocked quietly so the teacher wouldn't hear.

Baseball frowned but said nothing.

"Cheesy Holes?"

"Here of course. Without me, this class wouldn't be hole *SLAP*"

"I'll take that as a yes." The teacher grumbled. "Dough Ribbons?"

"Right here on a chair." He answered. I noticed our teacher visibly cringing.

"Knife Blades?"

"Sadly here." He grumbled.

Guess he doesn't like school.

"Microphone Volumes?"

"Mic is good." She said.

"Okay then, Nickel Flipps?"

"Oh yes, I'm totally not sitting in the front right here." Nickel said sarcastically.

He ignored the remark and moved on. "Soap Tidys?" 

"Present sir." She said politely.

"Suitcase Voyage?" He called my name.

"I-I'm here!" I said stuttering a bit. Oh no, I hope that's not enough for everyone to think I'm a weirdo.

"And Trophy Goldau?" He said finally.

"I'm here." The jock grumbled.

"So I'm your teacher, Mephone 4. I will be teaching you for the entire school year. Try not to fall behind and meet my expectations." He said.

His last words made me shiver. Meeting expectations was something I had a lot of fun with in my old school.


"Suitcase! You better make sure you meet the teacher's expectations. We can't risk getting zeros because you're so dumb!"

"Suitcase, you need to do it like this! God! You are a disappointment."

"Can't you do any better?"

"Is that what you call good? It barely meets any expectations like usual."


The voices haunt my mind. Being a slave to a bunch of rude and cruel girls. I still can't get over it.

"Alright, so we'll be going to the library to get your textbooks. Follow me." Mephone 4 said as he stood at the door.

"Let's get going. We don't wanna be late." Balloon said.

"Y-yeah. let's go." I said.

We went downstairs to the library. There were a lot of books there. Obviously.

I never really enjoyed reading. But then again, most of the stuff I read was homework related.

"I have a really good book I can show you later." Balloon told me as we waited in line to get our textbooks labeled with our names and signed out.

"Oh, that's cool." I said.

"It's a really cool action novel and I'm sure you'll love it." Balloon smiled.

"I'm more of a romance fan." Soap said as she got up behind us in line.

"Romance is nice but I just prefer the action. It's really exciting." Balloon fanboyed.

"What about you Suitcase? What books do you like?" Soap asked.

"I . . . um. . . like . . history!" I blurted out after a period of mumbling.

"Hm, that's nice. I sorta like historic events myself." Baseball said as he signed his science textbook out. "I wouldn't mind discussing favorites with you." He gave me a huge smile.

I suddenly felt my heart beat 2 times faster. What was this? Why do I feel so embarrassed?

"You OK? You look like a tomato." Nickel said as he walked up beside Baseball.

"I-IT'S NOTHING!" I said defensively.

"SSSH!" The librarian scolded me, looking at me disapprovingly.

"I'm sorry." I whispered ashamed.

As we went back, I wondered: Why did my heart feel so weird?

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