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Ethan and I got into our rental car, and began the drive to his parents house. I was getting more nervous by the second. I had never experienced the whole 'meet the parents' thing so I didn't exactly know what to expect. 

I looked out the window, my hands resting in my lap as I fiddled with my fingers. Ethan glanced over at me with a grin on his face. "How are we holding up over there?" He said with a slight chuckle. 

I rolled my eyes at his amusement. "Not very good, thanks for asking." 

"I promise you, my parents are really sweet, they'll love you. Nothing to worry about." 

"Actually there is a lot to worry about. Just let me stress out in peace please." He laughed at me, turning on the radio. 

"How about some Ed Sheeran to calm you down, yeah?" 

I smiled at his cute gesture. "Yes, please." 

"Oh, by the way, Grayson and Kendall's baby shower is tomorrow afternoon." 

"That's exciting! I'm really happy for them." 

"Me too." He smiled at me. 

"How far along is she?" 

"8 months."

"Almost there."

"Mhm. Gray is so excited." 

"I'm sure he is. It must be the best feeling knowing that you're finally starting a family of your own." I smiled at the thought of having a family of my own someday. "I can't wait to have that feeling." 


I laughed. 

Shortly after, we pulled into the parking lot of a beautiful home. 

"We're here!" Ethan exclaimed as he got out of the car. We opened the trunk, taking out all of our bags. The front door opens revealing a a tall boy who has a face similar to Ethan's. He came running across the front lawn, opening his arms for a hug who I figured was for Ethan, until I was wrapped up in his arms. 

"You must be Alicia. Your hair smells great by the way." 

I laughed. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." He smiled at me before walking over to Ethan. "Ethan!" He said with excitement as he wrapped him up into a hug. 

"How are things going, soon to be dad?" Ethan asked, chuckling. 

"Everything is going well. I'm stoked to be a dad." 

"I'm happy for you, bro." Ethan said, patting the back of Grayson's shoulder. 

"Thank you, bro." Grayson grabbed one of the bags to help. "My mom is so excited to meet you, Alicia. She's been cleaning the house nonstop all day, it's insane." 

I laughed. 

We all make our way up to the front door and Grayson opens it, helping me with my bags. "Mom! They're here!" 

I hear footsteps jogging through the foyer as we walk in. A tall, lean woman with brown hair approaches us. "Alicia! It's a pleasure to finally meet you!" She pulled me into a hug, and I say the same. "You're gorgeous, sweetheart", she says before greeting Ethan. "Come in, come in, I'll go get Sean." She ran off towards the living room. 

I could already tell how much love this family had for each other. You could easily see it just in the way Lisa looked at Ethan and Grayson; like they were her everything. They were all so sweet and genuine. 

Lisa came jogging back over to us with Sean in tow. "Alicia! I've heard so much about you! Nice to meet you." He said, pulling me in for a hug. 

This family and their hugs. 

"Nice to meet you too." I smile. 

"Alright well Alicia and I are going to bring our bags up to my room and we will be back in a little bit." Ethan said, leading me up the stairs. We walked into his old bedroom, setting our bags down on the floor. His room made me smile. He had a couple American Muscle posters on his walls, and a skateboard sat in the back corner. 

Ethan threw himself onto his bed, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me on top of him. Our lips connected as his hands rested on my butt, my legs on either side of him. My lips moved down to his jawline, leaving a trail down his neck. 

"Guys!" Grayson yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Dinner is ready!" 

Ethan closed his eyes and sighed. "Fuck" 

I giggled, getting off of the bed. 

"Come on." I grabbed his hand, walking downstairs to the dinner table. 

Grayson's very pregnant fiance sat next to him at the table. She had brown hair, blue eyes, and light pink lips. She was so perfect, she didn't even look real. Their baby is going to be so beautiful. 

She was very excited about her pregnancy and couldn't wait to be a mother. She told me stories about her pregnancy so far. They were so interesting to listen to even though some of them were a little gross. Every once in a while, Grayson would interrupt. "Kendall, these stories are disgusting."

"Grayson, stop being such a baby." Ethan would retort. 

The bickering between Ethan and Grayson that occurred often made me laugh. They were still so childish, even though they were grown up. 


hope you enjoyed!

see you next chapter 


the boss | e.d (book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant