I pleasantly sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm just looking for Zonnique."

The young teen had her arms crossed as she obnoxiously chewed on blue bubblegum. I awkwardly cleared my throat, "Is she her or...?"

She looked me up and down before turning around and shouting, "Nique!"

"What?" I heard her voice shout from somewhere in the house.

"Yo' friend is here!"

"Ray Ray?"

"Nah, it's a girl!"

Damn, this bitch is obsessed with Rayan.

"Well who is it?" Nique shouted. Her voice seemed to be getting closer. The girl turned towards me, "What's yo' name again?"

"Mickey." I nodded.

She nodded," Her name Mickey!"

"Oh okay, let her in! " After she heard that, the teen moved out of the way for me.

"Thanks." I politely grinned.

"Mmhm." And with that she walked off.


"Sorry about Deyjah. It's her time of the month and she walking around here bein' bitchy." Nique giggled.

I half-smiled as I closed her door behind me, "It's okay. We all have them days."

"I know right, " she had a seat on her queen sized bed before exhaling and placing a TV remote in her lap, "So what's up? Wanna watch Catfish? I got every episode on netflix.."

Oh gosh, here it comes...

But wait...didn't I promise Prince something? It was like a secret or something...hmm.

Damn, I can't remember...Must of been unimportant.

"Uh well, Nique I uh, didn't come over here to kick it. I just have to tell you something..."

She lightly furrowed her eyebrows and put the remote down to the side of her, "What is it? Is it that "of need to know" for you to be banging on my door like a madman?" she joked. I rubbed the back of my neck and flipped my hair out of my face.

"Well I don't know about everybody else, but I just thought you would care to know." I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Well what is it, Mickey?" she questioned firmly.


Just come right out and say it. It's not that big of a deal. Just be truthfull.

Man, but what if she one of them crying sisters. After dealing with Prince's tears, I don't wanna be around anybody else's sobbing.

What was it that I promised him?

I was literally just with him and fuckin' forgo--

"Uh Michelle?"

I widened my eyes to my name being called, "Yes?"

"What do you have to tell me? Quit zoning out." she's starting to get a little annoyed.

"Oh...I'm sorry. Look, you should probably sit down for this, I don't know how you're gonna take this." I started pacing back and forth.

Zonnique looked around, "Um Mick? I'm already sitting."

I glanced at her and noticed she was with her hands in her lap, "My bad."

"Can you just say it already, damn."

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and re-opened them, "It's about Ray Ray..."

Just the way you are <3 :D PrincexRay Ray love storyWhere stories live. Discover now