Chapter #35

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=Princeton P.O.V=

All I felt were butterflies in my stomach and a knife in my heart...

Travis pulled away quickly, still holding the sides of my face. We breathed heavily as we looked into each other's eyes.

Travie's eyes then for some reason,  widened, "Oh. Oh I'm so sorry, Jacob. I...I didn't mean it. I-I got caught in the moment, I...p-please forgive me?" he quickly pleaded.

"I know you have a b-boyfriend and all but--" he stumbled over words, frantically looking around. "--Oh what is wrong with me?!" he growled.

I stared into space, dazed as Travie held his head down, sulking himself. I was breathless. I couldn't speak. What was I supposed to say? I just cheated on Rayan...again...

"Travie I-I...I don--"

"Oh save it!" he waved off. "You don't want me anyways, what's the point?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head, "No, no Travis stop. C'mon now look at me. Look at me." I held his chin.

He rolled his watery eyes, making their way towards mine, "Lets...l-let's just forget this happened. Okay?"

"But I don't want to Jake, that's the problem!"

"Well you have to! I can't keep hurting Ray like this. I love hi--"

My phone then buzzed in my back pocket, catching me off guard. I pulled it out to look at the caller ID. Oh my god...

Travis and I stood frozen, heart beats slowing down by the second. What a coincidence...

"Is that him?" he frightfully asked.

I nodded my head, still staring down at the screen where Rays picture was shown. I'm so scared to answer it. He might suspect something...

+Ray P.O.V+

"Girl quit playin' with me, I'll be back!" I playfully yelled.

"Well hurry yo' ass up! I ain't got all day!" she joked while she hooked the brown picnic basket to the front of her bike.

I chuckled, "Shut up." I walked a few feet away from her then pulled out my phone. I dialed the number of the person I've been thinking about a lot lately. My baby...

I haven't heard from him all day. I miss him. I wonder if he misses me? Hopefully I get to see him tonight, if he's not to damn busy.

I held it up to my ear and heard it start to ring. Patiently tapping my foot against the grass, I heard Nique yell, "C'mon Ray! These mosquitoes are killing me right now!"

I turned around, "Hush yo' face, I'm on the phone!"

She giggled as she swung her leg over to get on the maroon colored bike, "Get the molasses out ya' ass!"

I stuck my tongue out at her and turned back around. The phone was still ringing. What the hell is taking him so long? Answer your damn phone, bruh.

He's probably still hanging with his friend. But that's not an excuse to not answer your phone. Especially when yo' bae is calling you, damn.

=Princeton P.O.V=

"Just answer it."

"I'll let it go to voicemail."

"Jacob that's rude." he scolded.

I scoffed, "No, what's rude is you kissing me, knowing I'm with someone already! Plus making me all confused!"

He scrunched up his face, "Confused about what?"

I sighed, "Well one minute you're my friend, the next minute you all up on me. I just--" I paused and looked up at him. He was searching my eyes for an answer. An answer I didn't know how to explain.

Confusion washed over me. I was still lost for words. And strangely...I wanted him to kiss me again.

I shook the thoughts out my head and said, "Man, I don't know alright! And I know I've been saying that a lot lately, but I seriously have no answer to give you. I wish I did but I don't."

Travis sighed while pursing his lips. I guess he was fed up with me but if he was in my shoes, he would understand. Anyone would.

Suddenly my phone stopped buzzing. I sighed out in relief.

+Ray Ray P.O.V+

When it stopped ringing, I stood back and looked at the screen. I heard the small voice of Prince's voicemail play and I bit my lip.

I guess he's still busy. I sighed in disappointment and ran back over to Zonnique.

"Is everything okay?" she asked looking concerned. Probably from the perplexed look on my face.

I cleared my throat, "Yeah I'm good. I'm good." I said quickly as I hopped on my bike.

"You sure?" she turned the wheel of her bike with her handlebars and pedaled over so she could be next to me. I gripped my handlebars tightly, gazing at her. She's still as pretty as I remember.

I grinned as I pedaled forward, "Positive. Let's roll out before it gets to dark."

She shrugged and smiled, "Oh alright. I gotta get home anyway. You know, before my mama start trippin'. " she laughed lightly.

I scoffed, agreeing with her, "Man you ain't said nothing but a word. C'mon..."

We rode our bikes down the street, side-by-side as the sun on the westside started to set.


Hey everyone!

I'm done with finals anD SCHOOL BITCHES, WHETTTT!?!


but an-ti-way hehe....

I'll be updating a lot more on this story along with others so yeah :)

I think Ray Ray was little hurt by Prince not picking up the phone...poor baby :(( if only he knew

Only FIVE more chapters to go! (I know I'm sorry but it has to end)

Peace and Love ·♥·

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Just the way you are <3 :D PrincexRay Ray love storyWhere stories live. Discover now