Years ago, I imagined finding someone to love and to love me back in that way were you feel the need to constantly be around each other and miss them so much when they leave, even if it's just to pop to the shops for a carton of milk that literally takes ten minutes. After a while in high school my outlook changed, I ended up thinking differently. I realised that if I was to find that person it wouldn't be for years. I also thought that that type of love was fiction, only in romantic novels or on tv. I thought it was made up and not possible to actually be in a relationship so perfect. To this day I still feel and think the same, just not as strongly about the subject. Macy and Gary have changed my outlook slightly, just not enough to full convince me. If love turned out that perfect then I believe it only happens on the odd and rare occasion. Which if by looking at Macy and Gary they are extremely lucky.

I turned into campus and parked in my usual spot. Pulling my keys out and swinging my bag over my shoulder I exited the car. Macy and Gary stepped out, stretched and yawned before walking after me. Gary had his arm draped over Macy's shoulder and Macy leaned into his side.

"Thanks again Evie" Gary smiled.

"It's no problem" I smiled.

"What are you going to do? You still have an hour left before your lecture starts" Macy frowned.

"I'll just go annoy Blake until our lecture starts. I'm sure he won't mind" I chuckled and waved before heading off in the direction of Blake's dorm.

I walked into the large building and along the empty white corridors. One or two students passed me, gave a small smile and hurried off towards their class. The building will be mostly empty apart from some people who will still be sleeping if they have a later class.

After walking for a few minutes I came to Blakes dorm room. I stopped at his door, tugged the strap of my bag back onto my shoulder and knocked.

It took a second before I heard movement on the other side of the door and it opened. Blake stood holding the door in one hand and rubbed the sweat from his forehead with the back of his other hand.

He was breathing heavily, his broad shoulders rising and falling quickly. He was standing in only a pair of white basketball shorts that hung dangerously low around his hips. The v on his torso was visible above his shorts and his eight pack was on full display. His blonde hair was in a stylish and effortless mess with a thin layer of sweat making the few strands of hair that covered the top of his forehead stick to it, I dont know how he manages to look this good covered in sweat.

He smiled at me showing off his dimples, his blue eyes twinkling.

"What you doing here so early?" he asked, stepping aside to let me in.

I walked past him and jumped onto his bed landing on my back. I propped my head up with some pillows and watched him. Blake shut the dorm room door and turned to me. He looked at the way I was lying, chuckled and walked into his bathroom.

"Macy and Gary had some psychology, therapy, thing and they had to he here early to do it. They never really told me much" I said. Even if they did tell me what they were doing I wouldnt understand what they were talking about.

"Sounds interesting. Couldn't Gary pick Macy up?" Blake replied sarcastically. He walked back out the bathroom with a deep blue hand towel in his hands as he dried his face.

"He stayed at hers yesterday and didn't have his car" I said.

"Of course he didn't" Blake said sarcastically.

"What were you doing before I interrupted?" I asked.

"Exercise" he said. He turned his body and flung his towel back into the bathroom and walked over to his desk. Hes so tidy. He pulled out the swivel chair and collapsed onto it, spung around and faced me. He leaned back in the chair and took a sip of the half full bottle of Lucozade that was sitting on the desktop.

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