18 || the nameless, faceless girl

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seven stretched, before throwing his phone somewhere in between the sheets. groaning slightly when his muscles popped, he shoved himself away from his bed and stumbled into the bathroom. blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he stripped quickly and jumped into the shower.

he quickly washed his body and hair, tilting his head back and letting the cold water rush onto his face. his mind was in a turmoil, a mess. he didn't know what to make of the mysterious raybans thief.

he expected her to be annoying, which she was, but she also turned out to be caring, and kind. he almost had fun texting and talking to her. she reminded him of somebody, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

thinking about last night, where she called him misunderstood, he groaned, and turned off the water. grabbing a towel, he quickly ran it down his body and walked to his closet. pulling at a blue shirt and dark jeans, he sighed and donned them.

he was feeling unexpectedly light yet tired at the same time. and these fluctuating emotions had to do with a particular girl. he checked his phone for new messages, but there were none. chiding himself, he collected his car keys and his other pair of raybans before walking to the garage through the connecting door from the house.

his mom must have left for the hospital, considering the quiet his house rested in. humming an unintelligible tune to himself, he slid into the car and smoothly drove out of the garage, the doors shutting automatically after his left. he pulled onto a road and drove to his favorite 24/7 diner for breakfast, his thoughts not completely devoted to the road, but to a nameless, faceless girl who he was supposed to dislike, but strangely took a liking too.

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