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Connor's Pov:

Me and Jeremy(Jane's dad) walked downstairs and Jane and her mum walked past us and headed upstairs. We both walked into the sitting room and sat down with the others and started talking about sport and music.

" So what have you been up to?" Jeremy asked.

" Well me and the boys we formed a band called 'The Vamps' and we've put covers up on youtube." I said feeling pleased that we were getting along.

" Ahh cool. Do you guys play sport or watch sport?" Jeremy asked.

" Ye we love sport." Tristan said.

" It's a hobby of ours." Brad said.

" We play for fun." James said.

" What they said." I said as I didn't have anything to add.

" What sports are you into?" He asked.

" Football, basketball more football and James like to work out." Tris said.

" What guy doesn't love football. I work out aswell James in the odd time. Do you three work out?" Jeremy asked.

" No" We all said in union and then we started laughing.

" So this band you formed, do you play instruments? Do you sing?" Jeremy asked.

" Ye I play drums and sing." Tris said.

" I play guitar and sing." James said.

" I play lead guitar and im the lead singer." Brad said.

" And Connor?" Jeremy said.

" I play bass and sing." I said.

" That's great, you'll have to show me some of your covers and your going to have to play for me sometime." Jeremy said.

" We will sir." Tristan said and we all broke into laughter.

A few minutes later I heard a door slam from upstairs and I heard someone running down the stairs and I stood up. Jeremy stood up aswell looking curious and concerned. It was Jane and she was crying. She stopped and looked over at us and then she ran out the door. I was going to run after her but Jeremy was already out the door but I still ran anyway.
Janes Pov:

I ran out the door of the vampiro and kept running. I didn't even know where I was going. I decided to go to the park as it's a quiet space and I could be alone for a bit.

When I reached the park, It was empty and I went over to the swings and sat down to think about everything that happened. I was really upset and I couldn't stand anymore fighting. I looked around and saw a few people walk by and I wanted to be them, Be happy with life, no fighting and no secrets being kept.

I was in the park for about ten minutes on my own and then someone sat on the swing beside me and put their hand on my shoulder. It was my dad and I pulled away from him and tried to wipe some of the tears off of my face.

" Go away dad. I don't want to talk to you or mum. Leave me alone." I said determined for him to leave.

" Honey, I know your upset but we need to talk about this as a family." He said.

" Just leave me alone!! GO!!!" I said and I began to cry even more.

" Please honey. Just listen." He said.

" Just go. I don't want to talk to you. I want Connor. Now leave me alone." I said.

" Ok. I'll get Connor." He said and he walked away until I couldn't see him anymore.
Connors Pov:

I ran as fast as I could so I could be there for Jane. I kept following where Jeremy was going but I somehow lost him along the way. I stopped by a bench and sat down then I looked up a few minutes later. Jeremy was standing down looking at me and he looked upset.

" Are you ok Jeremy?" I asked.

" She doesn't want to talk to me. She wants to talk to you." He said.

" She's in the...." He began to say before I cut him off because I had a feeling that I knew exactly where she would be.

" I know where to go thanks." I said and then I ran in the direction of the park.

As soon as I got there I looked in all directions and eventually spotted Jane sitting on the swing and she was still crying but a bit more now. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her and she rested her head into my chest and I hugged her tight and she cried a lot. After a few minutes we pulled apart and I lifted her chin up to look at me and I wiped away some of her tears.

" What happened?" I asked genuinely concerned for her because she was crying for ages.

" I went upstairs with my mum because she wanted to talk." She said and she was stuttering a bit so I took her hand in mine.

" Ok and?" I said.

" And my mum told me that she didn't want me to be a vampire and how she was trying to protect me and she wanted me to live a normal life. But I don't want a normal life, sure I miss it at times but if I didn't know I was a vampire then I would have never met you and I need you. I love you Con." She said and she was almost crying again but she held back the tears and she took a deep breath.

" We'll get through this Jane and I'll help you." I said and then she leaned in and kissed me softly and then she pulled away and again told me that she loved me and I said the same thing back.

We then stood up and Jane stared at me confused.

" What?" I asked amused by the look on her face.

" Why are we standing up?" she asked.

" Because we're going to play in the park. Let's have a race to the slide, whoever gets there first gets to decide what we're going to do tomorrow." I said.

" What are we doing tomorrow?" She asked.

" Im taking you on another date and me and you are going to spend the day together and also we're staying at my house cause my parents are staying at the vampiro." I said and she looked suprised and happy.

" Ahh Con thank you. Wait what about Lewie." she asked.

" He's staying at his friends house. I forgot to ask, hows the pain in your gums." I asked, I had forgot all about that and it looked like Jane had forgotten too.

" Oh it's much better now. It's still a tiny bit sore. Anyway so we have your house to ourselves tomorrow." She said.

" Yep it's just going to me and you." I said.

" What will you tell my parents?" She asked.

" Wait why would I be telling them?" I asked.

" Because I can't talk to them right now." She said.

" How about we get James to tell them. He's very responsible." I said.

" Ok that's sorted. Let's race to the slide." She said.

" Alright. On your marks, get set, GO!!!" I shouted and we ran for the slide.

While I ran, I tripped over a rock and she got ahead. She ran quite fast and I was glad to get her mind off of her parents and everything that happened between them. I got up and ran and when I reached Jane I grabbed her and turned her around to face me.

" Hey, thats cheating Connor Ball" she said.

" It's not if we both won" I said and I raised my eyebrow. She turned around and saw that we were both standing at the foot of the slide and then she turned back to me and kissed me hard and then she pulled away and we both broke into a fit of laughter. Once we both had stopped laughing we headed back to the vampiro and when we arrived back it was almost six o'clock.

*COMPLETED*Love and War( A Connor Ball fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon