Stay The Night!!!

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Connor's Pov:

It was getting late and It was about time me and Jane headed back to The Vampiro. We had been playing the xbox for two hours and Lewie was getting tired.

" Lewie, Is it time for you to go to bed?" Mum asked Lewie.

" No, I could stay up all night, So can Jane and Connor." Lewie said.

" No Lewie. Im sure Jane and Connor are very tired after playing xbox for two hours." Mum said.

" Ye mate Im really tired and I think it's time for the two of us to go back to The Vampiro." I said and it was 10pm and it takes half an hour to get to The Vampiro from here.

" How about you and Jane stay here for the night. It's getting late." Dad said. I looked over at Jane seeing if she wanted to stay, This was her first time at my house.

" Wait where will we sleep? Do you have enough room?" Jane asked

" Well there's Connor's room upstairs, the two of you can sleep there" Mum said.

" But we don't have pyjamas." Jane said.

" I have spare pyjama's that you can borrow."

" That's settled then. Ok Lewie go get ready for bed." Dad said and Lewie walked out of the sitting room and headed upstairs.

" Ok We'll see you in the morning." I said and the both of us walked out of the sitting room and walked up the stairs.
Janes Pov:

We both walked out of the sitting room and headed upstairs.

" Connor?" I asked.

" Ye" he said.

" Is your parents ok with me sleeping in the same room as you, I mean there's only one bed right.". I said.

" There ok with it as long as there' funny buisness and we won't be doing that for a long time yet." Connor said while taking my hand in his and we reached the landing of the stairs. We both walked down the hallway and stopped in front of the 2nd last door on the right. It was Lewie's room and he was already fast asleep and he tucked himself in. We both laughed and headed to the end room. Connor pushed the door open and we walked inside.

His room was fairly big and there was guitars hanging on one wall and pictures of him and the boys on the other walls. There was a double bed with a white duvet cover.

" So do you like my room?" Connor asked.

" Its just like your room at The Vampiro just without posters on the wall. I like it." I said

" Thanks. Here you go some pyjamas, they might fit you." Connor said while handing me white and black tartan pyjama bottoms and a white t-shirt.

" Thanks, Im quite tired Con." I said and Connor hopped into bed and tapped the empty space behind him. " I need to change into the pyjamas first." I said and I went into the bathroom and quickly changed. I came out and lied down into the bed beside Connor.

" Did you have fun today?" Connor asked.

" I had a great time, it was so much fun, I love you Connor." I said and I leaned over him and kissed him softly. Then I lied down beside him and he wrapped his arm around me.

" I love you Jane. See you in the morning." Connor said and then we both fell asleep.

*COMPLETED*Love and War( A Connor Ball fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin