Arranging the Date!!!

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Janes Pov:

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating, It was really loud. I ignored it and turned to face Connor, He was still sleeping. I heard my phone vibrate again, someone was ringing me. I grabbed the phone and answered it just as Connor woke up.

" Hello" I said while yawning.

" Jane, It's Michella, How are you?, I haven't seen you in two days?, Is everything all right? Where are you?" a concerned Michella asked.

" Hey Michella, Im good thanks, I know it's been so long, Im fine im at Connor's house, we stayed the night here." I said.

" Ok, Look could you and Connor go on skype, me, Jade, Tristan and Brad need your help." Michella said.

" Ok. We'll skype in five minutes. Talk soon, Bye." I said and I ended the call I turned to see Connor staring at me.

" Who was that?" he asked.

" Michella, Can I use your laptop?" I asked.

" Ye sure, why do you need my laptop." Connor asked while handing it to me. It was on his bedside table.

" Michella, Jade, Tristan and Brad need our help with something." I said while opening skype on laptop and ringing Michella. She answered as soon as I rang and We could see all four of them on the screen. They were all dressed while me and Connor were in our pyjamas.

" Hey guys whats up? Did we wake you up?" Brad said while he and Tristan started laughing.

" You did just wake us up mate, well Michella did by ringing Jane." Connor said while looking really serious and they all burst out laughing.

" What's so urgent that you need us to skype?" I asked and Tristan answered.

" Ok, you know the way Cicely likes James and James likes Cicely." Tristan said.

" How do you know Cicely likes James I only told Michella and Jade." I said.

" They told us, anyway we want to st them up on a date today and we need your help." Tristan explained to us.

" We came up with an idea." Brad said.

" We were thinking, well James likes nature, so we thought about Beleek forest, its only twenty minutes from here." Jade said.

" Ok" I said.

" So why do you need our help?" Connor asked.

" We will explain later, we need you two to go to the shop and get a pack of scented candles and get some of those fancy lights." Michella said.

" Ok and Meet us at Beleek in the next hour or so." Brad said.

" Ok. See you soon." Me and Connor said at the same time.

" See you guys." All four of them said and then they ended the call and I turned the laptop off.

" Im going to go get breakfast, do you want some?" Connlr asked.

" Ye I'll come down as sokn as Im dressed." I said and he got up and left the room.

I put back on the only pair of clothes I had with me: My blue crop top, black skinny jeans, my jacket and my grey converse. Once I was sone getting dressed I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair, I left it down and it was all curly because I had it in a plait last night. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I came out of the bathroom, grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.
Connors Pov:

I headed downstairs, It was 11 o'clock. As I walked towards the kitchen, I could smell something really nice cooking. I went in and saw my mum cooking pancakes.

" Morning, Did you sleep well? There was no funny buisness I hope." my mum said

" Morning mum and no there was no funny buisness." I said.

" Your pancakes are on the table." mum said.

I went over to the wooden table and sat down. On my plate was 5 pancakes stacked on top of one another, maple syrup which dripped down the sides of the pancakes, blueberries on top and whipped cream on the side. Mum always made this anytime I stayed at home.

" Connor, Connor." Lewie shouted and he leaped on me and gave me a hug.

" Morning Lewie, how are you?" I asked.

" Im good, PANCAKES!!!" Lewie said and he got off of me and sat down. He digged into the pancakes and he was hoovering them down. I started eating mine too.

" Morning Jane dear, sleep well, there's some pancakes on the table for you beside Connor." Mum said and I looked up and Jane sat in the chair beside me.

" Morning, good thanks, I love panckes." Jane said and she started eating her stack of pancakes.

" Mum me and Jane have to leave in an half an hour, we're meeting up with Brad, Michella, Jade and Tristan." I said.

" Oh, Ok honey, have a good time." Mum said and she kissed me on the head and walked upstairs.

" Connor, you might want to go and get dressed." Jane said.

" Oh ye, I'll be ready in a few, mind Lewie for a few minutes." I said and I walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to get ready.
Janes Pov:

Connor headed upstairs to get ready and I started clearing away the dishes and Lewie helped me.

" Are you and Connor together?" Lewie asked.

" Ye we are." I said.

" Yey, Are you a vampire like us? Can I come with you and Connor today?" Lewie asked and he started using the puppy eyes.

" Ye im a vampire but my fangs haven't come in yet, Im sorry Lewie, but its just for me and Connor. We're helping them with something important. Maybe another time ok." I said.

" Ok." Lewie said.

" Jane, Im ready to go." I heard Connor say.

" Ok coming." I said and me and Lewie walked into the hallway.

" We'll see you soon Lewie." Connor said while giving him a hug.

" Bye Jane, bye Connor." Lewie said and he headed into the sitting room and started playong the xbox.

We walked out the door and got into Connor's car.

" So what shop do we need to go to?" Connor asked.

" We're going to woodies they have candles and lights." I said.

" Ok. Let's go." Connor said and he started up the car.

After about 20 minutes we arrived at woodies, we bought strawberry scented candles and blue coloured lights which could be hung up. We got back into the car and headed to beleek forest. We met Jade, Michella, Brad and Tristan at the entrance.

"So did you get the candles and the lights?" Brad asked.

" Yep" Connor said and showed them the lights and the candles which were in the bag.

" Lets go set up and we told James and Cicely to come here at 2pm so we have around two hours." Tristan said.

We all headed into the forest. We had spent an hour and a half setting it all up and we decided we should go. We all left the forest happy at the finished look and me and Connor hopped into Connor's car, while the others hopped into the car they came in and we drove away and went back to the vampiro.

*COMPLETED*Love and War( A Connor Ball fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें