I Want You Seductive, Not Plain

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Rebekah checked the time to see it was 1:15pm. She shot her eyes up, panicking slightly before looking at Kade who still gawking at woman's underwear- searching for something he'd want Rebekah to wear, like he was her father. He acted just like him..

" I- I have to go," Rebekah said, no longer acting like that brave, cocky brat she were a few hours ago. Rebekah needed to remember that her reputation was within his large, tanned hands. She'd need to at least attempt to stay on his good side.

Rebekah shuddered when his evil eyes met hers. He kept them there for a while, only adding to Rebekah's uncomfortableness that caused her to scratch her neck, before he turned and continued looking through the clothes.

" I've already told you, Becks." Kade said. "We're not going until I say so."

" I'm going to get a parking ticket." It was true. Rebekah had only paid for three hours of parking and she'd been here since 9am. Her father definitely wouldn't be happy if he found out; he'd stop her from using the car all together.

Kade huffed before turning to her, his angered eyes piercing into hers like the gun in the tattoo shop had. It caused her to tremble back- his animosity- filled gaze was just too horrendous for her to keep in contact with.

Without saying anything, he began storming out the shop, expecting her to follow and she gulped before waddling closely behind, struggling to carry the bags.

Rebekah was walking with her head bowed down when she sprung out of her skin from Kades phone ringing. He huffed and gave a look of disgust at her pathetic behaviour before answering it.

" Hello?"

Rebekah listened closely, her hand still rested on her chest, feeling her erratic heartbeat.

" You're at my house? How did you get in?" Kade listened with furrowed eyebrows. Rebekah was silently praying this was someone important- Vicky even. He couldn't take her home and black mail her if she was there. Or could he?

" I'm at the mall," he finally said after like five seconds of listening. Rebekah wished she could hear what the person was saying. Kade's phone weren't loud enough so she stood there like a fool. She turned her shoulder, looking at the empty area around her. Rebekah thought about running away whilst he was occupied; he couldn't chase her because that would look weird to people surely. But her seed becoming a plant in her mind was destroyed by Kade's loud, annoyed voice.

" Jeez, I was just making sure she hadn't fucking left the country," Kade complained. "No need to be a bitch about it."

Who was he speaking to like that?

" Right. We're coming." Kade said before he ended the call and Rebekah got a glimpse of his phone to see it was Ethan. Why was he so mad that Kade had come the mall? Wouldn't he be happy that their crazy, stalking plan was successful?

Rebekah looked up at Kade with frightened eyes and he let out air in her face before he gripped her wrist and began pulling her to his car. When she passed her parking spot, she realised Kade wasn't going to let her get her own. Her heart beat quickened and her hands began getting clammy as she held them into a fist.

" I need to get my car." Rebekah said.

Kade ignored her and carried on walking with a sour look on his face.

Rebekah swallowed hard and she felt her hands rattling. She really couldn't leave her car there. Her father would do more than kill her.

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