"Yeah, but you already gave us the spell" Dean replied smugly. "Half the spell. That's half the spell. The other half is elsewhere. But I'll happily hand it over once we're done" He corrected. "Well, see, here's the thing. When a demon tells us to jump, we don't ask how high. We just ice their ass" Dean snarled. "How very "Dean" of you" Barthamus chuckled before turning to Sam. "Sam, do me a favor. You're the smart one. Look into that. I'll be in touch" He then looked at Jenna.

"Be careful, nephilim. You have a lot of people wanting to use you for your powers, choose your allies wisely" Barthamus left, Sam and Jenna looking over the spell while Dean ate the pie.


Dean entered the bunker library where Jenna and Sam were studying the parchment. He smiled to himself seeing the two wearing the same exact expression, both looking identical. "What's the verdict?" He questioned, getting their attention. "The spell... I think it checks out. We put together a rough translation. Um, it's Canaanite. Dates back to the time of King Solomon, who apparently commissioned it to keep tabs on the Queen of Sheba, who, according to the lore, was half-angel" Dean was weirded out.

"She was a nephilim? So, what you're saying is that King Solomon created a spell so that she could stalk his girlfriend" Jenna nodded. "It looked like it worked for him, but he had the other half of the spell, which made it work" Jenna sighed, resting her head on the table in frustration.

"Look, whatever game Bart is playing, I-I-I don't wanna play it, but..." Sam trailed off. He didn't want to work with another demon, he had already dealt with that plenty of times. But he missed Jack and he couldn't stand seeing Jenna so lost, neither could Dean. "Sam, you know that these things don't usually go our way".

"It doesn't matter. Jack is out there, in the world, and he's alone and he's scared and he's dangerous. And if this is our chance to find him...we have to take it".


After much compromising, the three decided to go to the warehouse Bart texted Jenna about. And despite them trying to get Jenna to stay behind, she convinced them that she should go with.

The three entered the odd room, Barthamus also had two others with him, a man and a woman who sat at a table. "Sam. Dean. Jenna. Welcome" Barthamus greeted. "Who are your friends?" Dean's voice boomed throughout the warehouse. "I'm sorry, I should've told you. These are my associates" Bart motioned to the woman.

"This young lady is Smash" The brunette had her headphones in as she looked down at her phone, only throwing up a lazy peace sign. "And this is Grab" The man lifted his drink slightly. "Hiya" Jenna furrowed her eyebrows, noticing that the man was a demon and that the two had odd names.

"I've never heard of anyone named Smash or Grab" Jenna didn't understand the meaning like the brothers did. "Not our real names, kid" Smash slightly looked up from her phone before looking back down. Jenna then looked at Grab, the one with the demon energy.

"You're a demon, your soul is distorted and your energy is dark" Jenna spoke out loud, observing the demon with curiosity. "And you're the famous nephilim, child of Lucifer" Grab sassed slightly, making Jenna squint her eyes. Barthamus cleared his throat to stop the two and grab their attention.

"Smash can crack any safe built by man. And Grab's a demon, expert in bypassing supernatural security" The remaining members of Team Free Will 2.0 were puzzled at why Barthamus needed them. "Wait. Safecracking? What is this, a heist?" Realization hit Dean that it could very well be one. "Hold up. Is this a heist?" He exclaimed.

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