I took a deep breath and stepped on the stage wearing a smile. I could hear the audience clap.

I cued for the music and stood in position. The audience quieted down as the soft and soulful music started to play and I began to move. I shed sweat and blood practising over the last two weeks. I watched a lot of videos and choreographed my own routine. Now I gave my heart and soul to that performance.

I bowed as gracefully as I can when my performance ended. There was silence for 3 seconds and then I heard the audience clap and cheer madly. In that moment, I didn't care what the result would be, I did my best, the audience loved it and I was satisfied and elated.

I stepped down from the stage and went to Jihyo to ask if she had water. She only handed me an empty bottle "Fill it from the water dispenser."

I took the bottle and walked towards the cafeteria. Some students complimented me about my dance on my way. I smiled and thanked them.

I was filling the bottle from the dispenser. I heard footsteps and then someone stood beside me and started filling a bottle as well.

"Hello Mina Sunbaenim."

I turned around and saw a familiar figure.

"Hello... um...." It's the small girl of the Triplet. I stared at her questingly.

"Chaeyoung, Son Chaeyoung" she smiled at me and I noticed her dimple and the mole under her lips. She had a camera hung around her neck.

"Hello Chaeyoung" I smiled back and turned my gaze back to the water bottle. "How do you know my name?"

"I heard the MC call your name. Your dance was really beautiful."

"Ah, thanks"

"You remember me, right? I'm the one that caused disaster at JAM the day before yesterday."

"JAM is supposed to be more fun than a competition. Don't blame yourself." We filled our bottles and started heading towards the auditorium.

"Then I should blame you since you made me join it hahahaha" she laughed heartily but I didn't find it funny.

"I'm just kidding" she added.

"Where are your friends?" I asked.

"In the auditorium, watching the dance competition. I... came out to fill the water bottle" she showed me the bottle of water as proof. Then we became silent. Oddly we were walking rather slowly.

"Before your dance competition, Dahyun was in the instrumental competition. She won second place" she broke the silence. Two days ago on the day of JAM, she looked timid and nervous but not anymore. I found her quite friendly.

"Who's Dahyun?" I had missed watching the instrumental competition because I was busy dressing up and making up for my dance.

"My friend. Remember the one playing piano when you met us?" I nodded. "That's Dahyun, Kim Dahyun."

"What's the name of the tall one?"

"Chou Tzuyu"

"Good to know" I wanted to tell her that I wanted to buy her lunch that day to cheer her up. But now I kept quiet as now she needed no cheering up.

"You have to buy me lunch when you win the competition"

I was mildly surprised when she mentioned lunch. "Why?"

"What do you mean why? If you win you need to buy me lunch to celebrate because you forced me to join JAM. And you will win"

She was so outgoing and friendly I didn't mind her imposing me to buy her lunch. "How can you be so sure? Momo Sunbae is the reigning winner and she is so talented. It'll be a miracle to beat her."

"Then the miracle will happen. It's true Momo Sunbae is very talented and she's the number 1 but today wasn't her day. I'm sure anyone who saw you perform today will agree with me when I say you owned the stage."

I smiled at her confidence. Where was this confidence when you were up for JAM? I felt good hearing her tell me that. "Alright, I'll buy you lunch if I win."

We reached the auditorium and Jihyo wasn't where I left her. I asked a classmate who was sitting next to our seat if she had seen Jihyo. She told me Jihyo was called away by one of their house prefects.

"You can sit with us. We are two rows ahead" Chaeyoung offered.

"Sure" I followed her to their seat. It's good to have company. The week had been lonely, I had to run here and there alone or sit in the booth alone most of the time.

"Oh! Hello Sunbaenim" Dahyun greeted me with a smile and Tzuyu followed her.

"Hello Dahyun, hello Tzuyu. Congratulations for winning second in instrumental Dahyun" I smiled at them.

"Hehe thank you. Please sit here" Dahyun smiled shyly.

The Triplet were friendly, lively and chatty, but they weren't noisy. They complimented me for my dance and we continued to chat during the rest of the performances and I genuinely enjoyed their company.

The performances came to an end. They were adding up the scores for each participant and we were eagerly waiting. We overheard a student who had come from backstage tell her friend that anyone among Seulgi, Sana, Momo or Mina could win. Hmm my name is in that list? Wow!

The MC and our dance teacher came up on the stage with the result and prizes.

"Now the time everyone has been waiting for has come. The third place in the Senior category solo dance inter house competition goes to... Minatozaki Sana from Red House!" Students from Red House cheered and clapped loudly for Sana as she walked up on stage to recieve her prize.

"And the second place goes to... Hirai Momo from Green House!" Now it was the turn for Green house students to cheer and clap.

What?! Momo is second! That means...

What is love? (Mina's Story | Michaeng)Where stories live. Discover now