Oh, is it now?

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Weather often seems to reflect the mood. Jeremy moped at his desk, watching the storm outside. School had become a more healthy environment in general, but being around Christine wasn't doing himself any favors. Their break up had been for the best... that didn't make it easy.

Even two weeks later he was struggling to feel okay. After pining for her for years and losing her, his love life felt rather hopeless. He was fully aware their chemistry had just never advanced. He jealousy of Jake had certainly gotten in the way. He was unsure of if he'd find someone who loved him as he was. Someone who'd treat him like a priority.

The bell rang and Jeremy dragged himself out and to his locker. He put his books away and felt a hand on his shoulder. He gave a small jump and turned, seeing Micheal. He smiled silently and closed his locker.

"I called your dad for permission already. Wanna just go to my house today?" Micheal smiled back empathetically. Jeremy stayed quite for a few seconds as if pondering the proposal, but he wasn't. He knew he wanted to more than anything.

Without second thought Micheal grabbed Jeremy's wrist and headed out to his car. He opened the door for Jeremy before going around and getting in himself. Jeremy got in and held his hand out while the other dug through Micheal's glove box. Micheal took the lighter out of his pocket and put it in the open hand. Jeremy buckled up and indulged in his mission to ease his mind.

The drive made it hard for him to stay awake. The sky was darker than normal and the rain patter was rhythmic, complimented by windshield wipers nearly drowning out the faint music on the radio.

When Micheal glanced over he could sworn he saw a smile Jeremy's face. The kind that reminded him of a dog, enjoy sun rays through a window. Relaxed, comfortable. As he pulled into the driveway they sat their for a moment before entering the cold again. They then headed inside, immediately getting soaked.

They went into the basement, taking off their puddle-soaked shoes and socks. Jeremy took off his wet sweater, and Micheal took off his hoodie. They plopped on his couch, much drier. Micheal noticed as soon as he sat that he had never turned on the light, but his eyes had adjusted to the dark. He didn't even want to put a video game in.

They sat in silence, enjoying their endeavor of getting high and easing into the couch. They listened to the storm in their comfort. When suddenly, Micheal heard a sniffle. He didn't ask, he just knew. He took his arm around his friend's shoulder and pulled him into an embrace. Jeremy tooled his arms into the hug and whimpered.

"What is wrong with me?
"Nothing. You're the fucking best."
"I'm unlovable."
"That's total bullshit!" Micheal demanded, aggressively supportive.
"After everything I've done? Who could love me?"
"I do." Micheal's tone grew gentle.

"No, not like that. It's different." Jeremy appreciates Micheal's friendship, but he wanted something more. He was a romantic guy, of course.

"Oh, is it now?" Micheal hadn't meant to sound upset. Still, Jeremy suddenly realized exactly what meant. He glanced at the visible sleeve of the hoodie on the floor with the pride flag badge. 'Fuck. Duh.' Micheal felt the pressure of Jeremy's turned head and let go. He saw Jeremy blushing and knew that he knew, which scared him.

'Fuck it,' Micheal decided and put his arm back around Jeremy's shoulder. Jeremy, deep in thought, leaned into Micheal subconsciously. Micheal's coming out is what had caused him to question his sexuality himself. Unfortunately, by that point, he was ridiculously infatuated with Christine. Still, he had realized it wasn't so solid. He had envisioned himself with Micheal several times. He personally thought Micheal could do better.

Loving Me as Me (BMC Micheal x Jeremy)Where stories live. Discover now