Skies of sun, skies of rain

Beginne am Anfang

The room darkened as he left, and I noticed the tardis had changed the fake forecast beyond my fake window. Now, the artificial sky was clouded with rain. Appropriate. He always has that effect on me.

I placed my hand on the windowsill and for a minute observed the rain that wasn't rain falling on the other side of the glass that wasn't glass.

It sure looked like real rain, and again I wondered how this beautiful ship of his worked, and how many wonderful things it could do. Pat. Pat. Pat, went the rain. I don't know how long I stood there before the whistle of an old fashioned tea kettle pierced through the stillness and interrupted thoughts of white converse and messy hair.

Slowly, I turned and made my way to the huge walk in closet at the corner of my room, and to my annoyance, see that my usual racks of jeans and simple shirts had been replaced. I found instead, skirts, sweaters, and classy dresses.

"Are you jokin' me?" I said aloud to no one in particular, yet knowing the tardis most likely understands. "No way. Not today. I'm not in the mood."

With a groan, and a few small pops, the closet disappears, and reappears on the opposite side of the room. I open its door once more, and find a total of one garment inside. It was a pretty blue dress that wasn't too fancy, and yet wasn't plain either. Though I wasn't happy with the tardis forcing me into uncomfortable situations, I did have to admire its taste in women's fashion.

"Oh alright fine." I grumbled softly, and slipped the dress on. It fit perfectly of course, and when I reached for my normal white tennis shoes near the foot of the bed, my hands uncovered a pair of blue sandals. "I hate you." I said into thin air, and pulled the shoes on.

I walked out of my room, and Found last night's hallway to have been transformed into a huge spiral staircase. A red carpet followed the path of the stairs and I sighed once again. Could the tardis be any more obvious?

I grasped the detailed iron railing, and descend to what I'm hoping is the kitchen/dining area--that tea better not be cold.

"Bloody hell, what the--" I heard him before I see him, and died a bit of embarrassment when I saw that our usually simple dining room had been remade into a fairly romantic setting for two. Roses adorned the table, and the only light glowed from lanterns above our heads. And in the middle of it all, stood the Doctor, hands on his head, and facing away from me. Oh joy. Just, lovely idea for a breakfast. Thank you tardis.

He turned just then, and I could feel myself blushing a bit. His eyes widened, and he couldn't refrain from looking me up and down... And up... And down... And up.... And down again... And--

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"Why in the world are you sorry? Blimey... You look...." I knew how that thought ended. I've heard it before, but right then, he couldn't bring himself to finish it.

"Thanks, the tardis is playing tricks again apparently." I kept my eyes down on the floor, and didn't move from my place on the second to last stair.

"She seems to do that quite often these days." He remarked after a slight pause.

"I suppose so. She took all my jeans." I said awkwardly, and he froze for a second, before relaxing again.

"She's probably just jealous of your legs." At that I stiffened, aware that such a statement could be considered flirtatious. "I mean, that... Uh, she's a ship... And uh, a police box doesn't, uh, have um... Legs?"

I smiled at him shyly, for as he'd explained himself, his own face had flushed a certain shade of red. I knew he as well had realized what his statement could have meant.

"Um. That dress is, I will, um, I'll get your clothes back for you. I'll just, go to my room and ask her." He stammered out carefully, and rushed past me on his way up the stairs. I was tempted to follow him--I had never quite figured out where the tardis kept his bedroom, but I figured I should better just wait here.

Looking around, I realized that I recognized the scene before me, or at least parts of it. On the table were two kronkburgers, or at least I think that's what they were called. Whatever the name, the only time id ever seen them was the time I went to satellite five with the Doctor quite a while ago. The lanterns were patterned with the green moon symbol id encountered at the hospital on New Earth, and the table cloth was a circular image of downtown London. The lanterns seemed to glow with a different kind of light, and as I looked closer I recognized it as the soft golden glow of nanogenes. Also, the walls were littered with landscape photographs of places I knew I had visited before. Last but not least, the smell. It was clean, clear, but strangely fruity. It's... I inhaled deeply, but couldn't place the scent with a name.

"Apple grass." He said from right behind me. I stayed where I was, and didn't turn, afraid once again to scare him away.

"From New Earth? The grass we sat on and watched the hovercrafts?" I asked.

"Yes that's the stuff. But Rose we seem to have a problem."

"Hmm?" I said, and allowed myself to turn around. I burst out laughing almost immediately. He stood there barefoot, in nothing but a simple white collared shirt, suspenders, and a very interestingly colored kilt. He sighed, looked down at himself in disgust, and half-smiled with a pained look in his eyes.

"The tardis seems to have stolen my clothing as well."



Hi guys, so what do you all think so far? I don't know exactly what I'm doing seeing that this is my first fanfiction I've ever attempted to write. If anyone wants to give me pointers/ideas/etc that would be cool! Thanks for reading, voting, and I'd love to hear from you if you feel like commenting(:

Through all this Time (a tenrose fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt