Chapter Twenty-One: Who The Hell Is Britney Spears?

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"Sheriff James," The male before us stated, he shook Dean's hand before returning it back to his side, "But I may ask. What does the FBI want with a case like this?" He inquired, eyes moving over Sam and I. I shifted my weight onto my left leg; attempting to swallow the lump in my throat. Dean stepped forward smiling.

"Well, Sheriff James, the FBI is currently on a case similar to this one. We think it may be the same person, now would you please step aside?" Dean explained; Sam grabbed his brother's arm. The sheriff mumbled a grouchy, 'very well, then stepped aside. I hurried past the few policemen; coming out where the body was found. My nose wrinkled at the familiar smell of blood, lots of it. Both Sam and Dean exchanged looks; navigating through the small crowd. Family members were there, crying well at least some were. Others weren't. Sam kneeled beside the body of the young girl. Early twenties; long blonde hair stained with blood, cherry Chapstick. Was wearing a Pink jacket. Her throat was sliced by something sharp, maybe a knife? I spun around in a 180 narrowing my eyes at the darkening woods. Sam grabbed my leg.

"Stay close," The Youngest Winchester told me. I kicked his hand off my leg walking farther into the woods. A police woman walked by carrying a flashlight and handgun. Maybe this wasn't a regular skin walker. I pushed my way through a brush pile, covering my nose at the horrible smell. "Hey, I said stay close." Sam jerked me back out of the brush, sending me stumbling back a few feet. Dean caught me setting me back on my feet.

"I found something." I hissed, punching his shoulder. Dean held his hands up in defeat, following me. Once through the brush pile; following the horrible smell. It lead us to an old broken down house. "Dean come with me, Sam go around." Dean raised an eyebrow cockily.

"Since when are you in charge?" Dean asked.

"Shut up and do it." Dean cursed, I snatched him by his jacket pulling him onto the creaky porch. The house looked like it used to be made out of oak, long replaced by pieces of different types of wood. Porch cried out with each step, even more with the added weight. The windows were broken out, pieces of glass laid on the porch. I turned the door knob; cautiously pushing the door open. A musty odor filled the air, like old musty. Dean placed a hand on my shoulder saying he should go first-I rolled my eyes but of course let the Winchester go because if I didn't he would bitch about it.

"This has bad horror movie written all over it." The Winchester smirked at his joke.

"Oh brother, watch too much SyFy TV?" I grilled lazily stepping beside him. He grew silent, raising a finger to his lips. From the corner of my eye a fairly large shadow darted across the front yard. Another followed, not as fast, but was fast enough. I tapped his shoulder, the Winchester just kept telling me to shut up.

"Dean, up front. Sammy." I harshly whispered, slapping his forearm. His eye twitched at his brother's name; hurrying to the back door. He yanked it open, not caring whether the whole damn town knew we were out here, jumping down the steps. Sam's head poked over the back porch, a confused expression upon his face. I whipped my flashlight out, flickering it around the room, and began humming 'Cherry Pie'. With Dean outside I could finally investigate. "Anyone home?" I called throughout the house jokingly. The steps creaked with each movement I made. Upstairs I did the same thing, "Anyone?"

"Winchesterrrrrrrr....." A feminine voice hissed, an outline of someone jumped, lashing out. Clawing down the whole side of my left arm. I snarled pulling myself back in the hall way. "Winchesterrrrrr...." They hissed again.

"I ain't no damn Winchester!" I snapped back, reaching for my hidden silver blade in my shoe. As I pulled it out they lunged. Figures. The creature head butted me back; my hand wrapped around the top of the staircase-didn't do much good-it was too late I had already flipped over the edge and was tumbling down the stairs. My whole body ached, the blonde shape-shifter stood at the top of the stairs smirking ear to ear. In her left hand she held a butcher knife. One of my father's. The blade was rimmed with pure iron-he'd take it on mostly ghost hunts. Stuff like that. She would've gotten to me if the back door didn't slam open-with moose Winchester charging into the house completely walking by me. "Sammm...." I groaned, trying to catch his eye; the male turned around blinked for a second then helped me up. Dean stood beside his brother, grabbing my right arm to keep my balance straight.

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