"NIALLER!!" Harry runs up to the Irish boy and they are both heaving with heavy breaths from running around. A sharp pain stings my heart and I feel absolutely horrid for spazzing out.

After he lets go of Harry I rush to give him a fierce hug. I'm not a higher but in extreme situations like this.... I'm a lover not a fighter.

"I'm so sorry Niall I would have never hit you if I knew." I release our bond and intake how he smells like.... Is that vanilla? Natural scent. Harry used to tell me when we were younger that I always smell like oranges. Weird.

Harry stands behind me arms open awaiting a hug from me. "Letting the love go around?" He opens his mouth in a wide smile and I turn away to watch him frown. I'm not usually a mean person. But when it comes to Harold Edward Styles, I could care less.

"Now that everyone's feelings are patched up." Harry glares at me with after his twinge of sarcasm then turns back to Niall who is feverishly trying to find a way out of the green and orange costume. "Why the hell are you in an Aquaman costume Niall?"

"Wish I could tell you. I just woke up like this. I don't remember why. I don't even like Aquaman. All he does is talk to fish. Fish are only good when they come with chips."

"Right?!" I lift my arms slightly and nod manically. An awkward silence occurs followed by a laughter all around. "Thanks for boosting my sled esteem guys." I scrunch my face in the bitterness of my sarcasm.

"I'm more of a Superman guy meself." Niall chuckles as he looks down at his pathetic getup. He even has a shell on the belt that circles his pelvis.

"Soooo... Where are the other lads." Niall has finally squeezed himself out of the costume and is standing only in boxers. He's actually kinda pale. But there is a six pack showing. That's a great compensation. My mouth twists into a smile and I look away to keep my cool. I look Niall up and down with a snare. He giggles adorably and drops his voice to say,"How you doing sexual? You wanna get up on this?" I giggle and blush slightly. Niall smirks in his glory of almost being naked.

"Well we we're sleeping together babe," he says with a wink. I bite my lip nervously. I don't remember much from last night... I hope we were just sleeping together and not "sleeping together".

"Ahem." Harry coughs loudly to direct attention. "Any ideas?"

"Well MAYBE they would be in their own hotel room like good boys?" I glare at Harry again. I'm still mad that he broke his promise. Sure it's childish of me but it still hurts.

"Oh please are you really still mad about that pinky promise?" I quickly turn my back to him to walk out the door. Niall looks between us confused but I decide not to clue him in on anything. It's just more tension stirring in a pot of hate and bad memories.

I walk to march out the door unaware that I was just wearing one of Kat's overly sexy nightgowns. I sense that the boys are staring at my arse as I bend down to pick up a piece of printer paper off the ground by the door.

"Already out. Love you Lara! xx"

The bottom of the paper is wet and I place it on the couch delicately. The note is quick and to the point but it feels like a shot to the heart.

"SHOT TO THE HEART AND YOU'RE TOO LATE!" rings into my head and u push it out of my consciousness. That tends to happen a lot... I'm just that weird.

I'm a really terrible guardian for Kat. I let her run around Las Vegas all by herself. I'm supposed to be the responsible one but look at me I got wasted last night. I really don't remember anything after laser tag.

Dear lord... I'm such a terrible guardian.

If Avalon finds out....

Meh she won't find out I'll blackmail Kat with all the partying she has been doing.

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