Chapter 19: A Dream Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Because I've been looking over you, Jon," said Crescentia. "Ever since the day my parents brought you to your father, I've watched you grow up. From a tiny little baby, to now, as a very handsome young man. As you can see, you've got the same color hair as me. But in all other ways, you look just like your father."

"I know," said Jon. "People have always told me that all my life. Dad I have similar personalities, too. But what are, I mean, what were you like? What do you and I have in common? It's something I've always wondered about."

"I was very intelligent," Crescentia answered. "I loved to read, and was always curious to learn more about everything." Jon smiled as that started to sound like him.

"I was also a very friendly person," Crescentia continued. "I enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know them. Maybe that's why me and your father hit it off so well. Because of how different we were. Me, being so outgoing, and him being quieter. But he could be just as cocky then as he is now. Sometimes, he would bring me to watch the illegal street races on Corellia, and show me the speeder he was working on. I don't know if he ever finished it, but I could tell that he'd obviously put a lot of time, effort and work into it. That was when I knew that he'd be a great pilot." Han had probably told Jon about this speeder at one time or another, but Jon couldn't remember for sure.

"I'm pretty good at flying myself," said Jon. "Dad and Chewie taught me everything I know. You should see me fly the Falcon."

"I bet you're just as great as your father," said Crescentia.

"You're right about that," Jon agreed. "Hey, how did you and Dad meet, anyway? I figure I have to ask you that while I'm here."

"I was actually waiting for you to bring that up, Jon," said Crescentia. "Well, let's see. My parents, your grandparents, were very strict on me. I'm still surprised they allowed me visit my relatives on Corellia. That's where I'd met your father. He was handsome in rugged sort of way. At the time, he hadn't yet gotten that scar on his chin."

"I can tell you how that happened," said Jon.

"No, that's ok, son," said Crescentia. Son. Jon's birth mother had just called him son. A wonderful thrill passed through his body.

"Your father and I began a secret courtship," Crescentia continued. "Night after night, for about a month or two, we'd meet. Sometimes we'd go out for dinner, where I paid. We'd kiss in dark alleys. On the night before I had to leave for Jelucan, I snuck your father into the house, climbed into bed, and know..."

"Ok! Ok! I get it! I get it!" Jon cut in. "You don't need to tell me about you and Dad's...nocturnal activities. Sorry. That's what Dad calls it when he and Leia have sex. And they've had sex a lot. But...anyway...carry on."

"Well, the times Han and I had together were some of the happiest of my life," said Crescentia. "But they weren't meant to last. All too soon, I had to leave Corellia and return to Jelucan, thus reuniting with my parents. It was the last time we ever saw each other. Not long afterwards, I found out I was pregnant with you. That was when I knew I had to come clean about my relationship with Han Solo. My parents weren't happy at first. But they soon began to look forward to the prospect of being grandparents. They were a great help to me during those nine months. I remember the day I went to the med-center and found out you were a boy. In case you're wondering, yes, there were numerous times where I tried to contact your father. I wanted him to know about you, his child, his son. But I never found out what happened to him."

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