chapter eighteen

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Maya felt warm all over; partly because the sun was beating down on her like a baseball bat. Lucas was completely embracing her, and she'd been resting her head against his chest.

Her cheeks erupted in colour when she caught a glimpse of the condom wrapper on his nightstand, reminding her of their events last night. Nevertheless, she was very cosy and ready to sleep some more.

With a small smile across her lips, she snuggled up against him again and closed her eyes, letting herself drift back to sleep.


She was alone when she had woken up the second time—the smell of bacon and something delicious greeting her. Maya rose up into a sitting position, grabbing the sweatshirt that had ended up at the foot of his bed.

Her underwear had been thrown on the floor and she immediately snatched it in slight humiliation before putting it back on. She briefly wondered if Lucas had noticed it when he walked out.

Maya raked her fingers through her tangled hair, sauntering out of his room and approaching the kitchen. Her stomach was grumbling wildly and she just wanted to devour whatever he was cooking out there.

"Hey," Lucas grinned when he saw her.

"Hi." She sat on the seat next to his, eyeing the plate of mouthwatering bacon and pancakes.

"How did you sleep?"

"Just fine. You?"

"Fine as well."


"It's quite sunny outside."


"How's the food?"

"Very delicious, thanks."

That morning had been more awkward and uncomfortable than Maya had anticipated. She took small bites of the pancakes, fidgeting in her seat.

"I had a great time last night." He finally spoke up, breaking the silence.

Maya lifted her head, glancing at him with slight surprise. "Me too."

"Really?" He lightly dropped his utensils and stared at her.

"Yeah." She gave him a small smile, her movements slow as they held each other's gaze. "But... it can't happen again." Maya felt a pang of guilt, averting her eyes and looking down at her plate.

Lucas frowned. "Why not?"

"We're just friends."

"We're clearly more than that." He knew this would turn into some argument, and even though they had just made up from their last disagreement, he couldn't pretend anymore. He didn't want to hide his feelings for her and have to be careful about crossing the line of friendship. In fact, that line didn't even exist anymore after what they had done. "If last night was just a one time thing for you..."

She turned to him, slightly frustrated. "I would never make you a one night stand, Lucas. I'm not saying that I regret it—I definitely don't regret it, but I just realize now that maybe things are going too fast."

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