chapter one

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Today was the day he was coming back.

Not like she was counting the days or anything. It was very boring without him there; without having anyone to tease or make fun of.

But she didn't miss him. Not even the slightest bit.

"Sorry to interrupt." Mr. Canal sauntered into the classroom. "I'm just here to return a student."

"Oh, welcome back Lucas! Just go on ahead and take your seat, I'll catch you up after class." Ms. Roberts smiled warmly at him.

Maya sunk further into her seat, her feet resting on the desk as he walked down the aisle towards her.

He stared down at the blonde before taking the seat behind hers.

"How was suspension?" Maya spoke in a low voice as the teacher continued her lecture. "That was what, your third one?"

She chuckled. "You have got to control your temper tantrums before you get expelled."

"For the record, I did it for you." Lucas snapped in irritation. "I never got a thank you, by the way."

"I never asked for your help." She looked over her shoulder at him.

God, he was still wearing that stupid cowboy hat.

"He was harassing you, did you think I was just going to stand there and let it happen?" His emerald gaze burned hers, his voice serious.

"It was still stupid of you to beat someone up on school grounds where the principal was watching."

Maya searched his eyes, and for the first time she could see the concern in them. She felt a little bad.

"But... thank you, Lucas."

He gave her a small grin. "Anytime, Maya."

She grinned too and it was silent for a quick moment.

"Now we can return to hating each other." She smirked before looking straight ahead.

The class went on for another thirty minutes before the bell sounded, signalling the end of first period.

Maya sighed, swinging her backpack over one shoulder. She stopped in her tracks when she heard a zipping sound behind her and spun around.

"Your backpack was open." Lucas grinned.

"Thanks?" She gave him a strange look before continuing her walk to the hallway.

He was being oddly friendly to her, what was up with that?

"Hey Hart."

Waiting by her locker was Brandon, and a few of her other friends from art class.

"Wanna skip second period for a smoke?" Trixie suggested, putting her hands in her leather jacket.

Maya glanced at the door to her next class. Lucas was standing there, staring at her. He was doing that weird lurking thing again.

"Uh, no. I think I'm actually gonna go to class this time."

"Really? I thought you hated Communications class."

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