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Sunday .

I didn't get to stay for long with Wes before this Sam kid dragged us both out claiming he needed Wes to give him a ride somewhere which would have been annoying but my mother ending up calling and asking me to get home so whatever anyway

It's four am and going to be sunrise soon I can't sleep and nothings on our tv as I flip back and forth from channel to channel bored and wide awake

I start to hear a little click noise from the window I didn't notice at first but it's definitely something

I get up and unlock the window to open it which probably sounds stupid to do but too late now

"Oh my god!"
"You dick you scared me I almost screamed !" I whispered to him annoyed why is he even here it's raining


Short little chapter for now like a little filler ish I guess I actually wanna like make this book a lil story you'll enjoy so sorry for it being shortt

Follow my new ig barely started using itt we can be friendss I'll follow back:)
@ indiccaa

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