So Much For A Happy Ending

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Her body began to shake and tears flowed freely "He's in prison right?" I may have not like Lucy, but nobody deserved that. "Yes, but I... I..." I gave her a hug and she cried on my shoulder "I'm sorry Lucy. I really am."

Time Skip - 2 months

(Lucy and I decided to start dating again and everything felt great. Every moment we had felt like what we had before her actions. What a false illusion.)

Today was Lucy's birthday and I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. "Are you sure Y/N? That seems a little expensive." I smiled as I could hear Lucy's shock through the phone "Of course. It's your birthday and I wanna make you as happy as can be. I might take a while though." She giggled "Take you time N/N."

I smiled and hung up "Time to make that reservation!"

Time Skip

I sat at the table and waited for Lucy to arrive "Should I put the ring in the champagne? No, that seems a bit weird since we just started dating again. Also that's very Spider-Man 3." The waiter came by with a smile and said "I couldn't help but overhear you. You must really love her if you made a reservation here." I nodded "Yep! It's also her birthday so I thought it would be nice to bring her here." He nodded "We'll I'm glad you came here. She'll love our establishment."

2 Hours Later

I put my head down on the table and slowly slammed it repeatedly on to it "Um, sir?" I look up and see the waiter from before "We are going to close soon. I'm sorry that she never showed up." I gave him a small smile "It's fine. Maybe she's with some friends or family." I got up and left the restaurant with a smile on my face, but I was boiling with rage "She better be with family or friends."

10 Minutes Later

I knocked on her door, but nobody answered me. "I'm so glad that she gave me a key." I opened the door and walked into the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen only to find that not a single soul was around "Did she fall asleep on me?" I walked upstairs and I stood in front of her bedroom door. The stench of alcohol and something odd reached my nose."Lucy?" I slowly opened the door and my eyes widened to the side of bowling balls. The covers of her bed had laid on the floor. A naked Lucy was cuddling with Natsu and a smirk had been plastered over his sleeping face. "A-again?!" I walked into the room and I saw something blinking red in the corner. Oh no.

Time Skip

I heard a knock on my door and I had been quick to answer it. Of course it had been Lucy. "I'm sorry that I missed our date, but my Mom was very sick and I had to rush over to the hospi-" I put on finger up so she could stop talking "Have a seat. We need to talk."

Lucy POV

As I got closer to Y/N I saw that his eyes had a slight pink hue to them "Y/N? Are you okay?" He smiled, but it wasn't a very caring one "I'm fine." His voice cracked a bit and this became very alarming. I sat down and looked at him as he sat on the couch.


"If this is about y-"
"Please don't lie to me Lucy. Besides the first time, have you slept with another man?"
"Of course not!" I kept my smile up and said "That's funny. I could have sworn that I was sent a video yesterday that showed something different." Her eyes widened "Y-Y/N..." I chuckled and said "Now I'll ask again. Have you slept with another man?" She looked down "Yes, I have. Please underst-"

"Stop. Was the truth so hard to tell?" She didn't answer me.
"Do you know what happens to someone when they've been at an all time low? Suicidal thoughts come to mind." I lift up my sleeve and take off the bandages to reveal 24 cuts on my right forearm "12 from Erza and 12 from you." I reached under the cushion and grabbed a knife "What's 12+6 Lucy?" She sat there in fear and shock "Answer me Lucy."

"18. So 24+6 is..."
"Good." I began to cut my forearm with a smile on my face "1 cut, 2 cuts, 3 cuts, 4 cuts, 5 cuts. You wanna know where the last one is going?" She shook her head and began to cry "P-please stop this!"

"The last one goes on my neck." I slit my throat with a smile on my face. Now I can be free from this pain we call life.

A/N: That was dark. Like very dark. I know that most of you know this, but the topic of that is no joke and it's never a good solution. I'm gonna make sure the next chapter is kind hearted though. I promise!

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