Brain Freeze(Short)

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A/N: This will be short since I literally couldn't come up with something as thought out as The Deadliest Season. It takes place a few years after the discovery of Neo and Roman though. Normal AU. Beacon was more of a normal academy though.

Yang POV

As much as I tried to get some sleep, the sun decided it would ruin it by shinning in my eyes. "Okay, okay I'm up. I hate that thing." I looked around and saw that Y/N wasn't with me "Maybe he's in the bathroom? No he usually waits for me first." I lazily got up, but fell straight to the floor "Shit!"


I was making breakfast when I heard a faint "Shit!" upstairs. "Language honey!" I just finished up the pancakes when I heard something fall down the steps and once again I heard Yang swear. "Shit! Fucking motherfucker!" She finally reached the bottom of the steps and stood up instantly "I'm fine everyone!" Even though she tried to play it off I could tell that it hurt. "Yang come here for a bit." She proudly walked over and I grabbed a book "What did you need Y/N?"

Yang POV

As soon as I reached him he hit me on the top of my head with a book "The hell was that for?!"

"You swear too much."
"Do not!"
"When we were in Beacon you barely uttered a swear, but now you create a storm with every single word."
"Well Ruby was always near me so there's that!" He just rolled his eyes and smiled "How is Ruby anyways?"
"We haven't really talked in a while. By the way is that a bird on our car?" As soon as he turned his head I stole a piece of bacon, but spit it out when I found out how hot it was.

"Must have left. Anyways I made you some breakfast." He gave me a plate while I tried to nurse my burning tongue "Is something wrong Yang?" I shook my head trying to get him distracted again. I pointed to the window and got him to look a second time "Are you sure that there's something there? All I see is the beautiful sky and yard." I stole a glass of juice and downed it "It's gone now. It might have left when it sensed you look."


"True. Or maybe it was just a way to sneak bacon away from your plate." I smirked while she started sweating "I have no idea what you're talking about Mr. L/N." I chuckled and brought her close to me "Well Mrs. L/N, I think I know you better than you think." She smiled and pecked me on the cheek "That's true. Do you remember the day we got together?"

"Yep, it was the day I got cheated on. I honestly forget who it was though."
"Yeah, what was her name? Vanilla? No that doesn't sound right."
"I think she had some weird name. Maybe it had something to do with ice cream though." Even though I remember the day I don't remember it clearly.


"How could you N..? I trusted you! I..."
"I'm sorry that you w..."
"I love you Y/N."
"I love you too Yang."

End Flashback

I shrugged, but thought that it wasn't as important as today. "So where are we going today?"

"I was thinking that we could check out that new restaurant that opened up. Pyrrha says that after Jaune took her there they got some good news."
"Good news?"
"Yep. She's got one in the oven. Speaking of, when will we have kids?" I started to sweat "You see Yang I... uh... left my wallet the car."
"Really? Then what's that over there." I saw that my wallet sitting on the table and I started sweating even more. "I want babies. Now."

"Can't we talk about this?"

A/N: I don't think that it was that good, but hopefully you guys enjoyed it. It's a bit different from the others, but it's something new.

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