Half Blood Prince

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"Draco your hiding something I can tell. What happened to you over summer? Why did you attack Harry?" Draco glared at me as the other four continuedon eating. "Defending Potter still, I see cousin. Well, since you are so worried. Tell your little pet to stop spying on me." I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not asking because I am worried about Harry. Draco, I am worried about you." I attempt to grab his hand, but him waste no time pulling it away.  "We might be related, but that does not me you need to know every thought that enters my mind. I have Pansy for that. Stay out of my head." With that he was off to the Slytherin common room.

Pansy said nothing me as I glared in her direction. Draco and I use to be so close, then I went and cut him off and now he's all alone. "What's the matter with him, Pansy?" She stared quiet, gesturing for someone else to take the question. "You've been so  wrapped in yourself. You've missed everything happening with him." Although, that didn't answer my question, it still fell under the same lines. I spent all summer worried about me, I forget to check on the one person who stcuk beside at the end of last year. But it's fine. I'd fix this.
At the professor's party Harry and I made amends, slightly. He did not blame me for the cruel actions of my mother for killing his godfather. I called a truce with him and Ron. Though what caught my attention the entire night was Harry fawning over Ginny, who was an emotional wreck from yet another fight with her boyfriend. She looked how I felt on the inside, just thinking about Draco.
"You gave him liquid luck?" Harry and I watched as Ron celebrated his first win at the match. "This is the liquid luck." I couldn't help but crack a smile. "He thinks you gave him liquid luck." Harry nods as we watch some girl climb on the table and snog Ron. "Oh, my." Just looking at them made me question if that's how Draco and Pansy are when no one is watching. I run out, downstairs and to the ancient broken down part of stairwell. Harry follows after me. I cry as he consoles him. "Does it hurt this much when you Ginny with him?" I ask, wiping over my wet face. "Yeah. Excatly, like this." From behind a pebble or two shake, siganlling the presence of another. Draco stands there with Pansy not too far. "Opps, looks like this place is taken. C'mon, Draco."

The blonde stands there, glaring at me as my arms remains hooked with Harry's. Pansy runs on as Draco stands still, staring as if looking for an explanation. Before I say anything, Pansy comes down to pull Draco away as he watches on.
The night went was a nightmare from hell as all the students and professors gathered around Dumbledor's corpse. Harry pushed his way through to the front and kneeled down by the body, removing the necklace around the old man's neck. I looked to the sky, at the symbol of the dark lord. A small part of me hoped it was my mother's doing as revenge for Dumbledore seperating us all those years ago. If it wasn't for him, I'd wouldn't be the lost fool was, weeping over Draco,  and caught in the middle of both sides, unable to decide who to choose. Then there was another part of me who felt pity for those who loved Dumbledore. Those who rose their wands to light the sky and disband the dark symbol above their heads.
"So it was Darco then?" Harry shook his head. "Draco was lowing his wand. In the end it was Snape. It was always Snape. And I stood there and did nothing." I felt bad for Draco. This was the big secret thta had him clammed all year long. All of that saddiness and he still couldn't go through with it in the end. "I'm not coming back next year. I have to finish what Dumbledore started. You all must be careful from now on." Ginny snorted, walking up behind us. "Harry, I've always admired your courage, but sometimes you can be really thick." Harry was ataken back by her statement. "Do you really think you're going to be able to find all those horcuxes on your own? We're coming with you. You don't have to fight theses battles on your own."

Ginny and Ron then turned to me. "Don't worry we aren't expecting anything from you. Your mother would never allow you to come help defeat her precious Lord." I would bother to defend myself if it weren't true. Bellatrix would have me on lockdown once I returned home. I put my hands up in surrender. "But if there is anyway can I help let me know." Harry grabbed my hand before I could leave them. "There is one thing. Don't tell your mother what we are doing." I agree, knowing it won't make much of a difference. Knowing Voldie, he'll know what Potter is up to before anyone else.
On the express ride to the station, I sat with Draco, Blaise and Pansy. While Pansy and Blaise discussed what changes they thought Snape was going to make to Hogwarts next year, I took Draco's hand in mine. Shocked, Draco eyes shot up from their sorrowful look. "I'm glad it wasn't you." His eyes widen and I instantly read the question from his mind. "Yes, I know." His eyes watered and for the first time in months he was no longer an emotionless robot. My hand found it's way to his right cheek as I wiped away the one tear he allowed to fall. He leaned into the palm of my hand. For the rest of the ride he rested with his head on my shoulder as I ran my fingers through his hair while my other hand enterwined with his.

Narcissa met us at the platform as we departed from the station hand-in-hand. She smirked when she saw us and I quickly removed my hand from his, jumping two steps away. "Hermoione, your mother wishes for your to stay your week back at our Manor." I nod, blushing fiercly. Narcissa pulls Draco into a hug, comforting him, no doubt about the Dumbledore incident. "I'm proud of you Draco." He reciprocated the hug and then we were off to Malfoy manor.

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