Taking You For A Loop

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Pitch black. Or maybe was it blue. Or maybe it was both. I wasn't all that sure, but at this point it did not matter. Not when the green lightning began to come my way. I could feel that it wasn't a good object to be in the direction of, but I could not remember why. All I knew was that I needed to move, but my body wouldn't allow it. Far away stood a person, I think, it was too dark to see who. They were directing this strange energy to me. But as soon as it hit me, I felt nothing. In fact, it went right through me and into something else. Or more like someone else. I turn to see the second person falling, but to where or from where, I was unsure. My mind pushed me to remember, but nothing. The figures felt familiar, but I could not remember their faces or even a name.

In my mind I left like time had stopped itself. I was stuck inside the same place, unable to move either leg. Both figures began to fade, along with the last of the memories I had left. Once their were gone, something shoved my body backward. But it wasn't like a push to ground. I never touched the ground, instead I kept falling back. Each moment I felt myself losing well- myself. It was as if I did not know who I was in the first place. Suddenly, everythin came to a fast halt. I body floated midair for a moment before crashing down much faster than before. I kicked and screamed, unsure of what was happening.

I felt so empty, so light. When I did land it was like on a cloud. I remained their, with my eyes staring into the dark abyss above me. Two circles from afar, I thought to be more clouds began tumbling down. Once they reached me, they went from black to glowing red in an instant, casuing to me to shout in surprise. I shot up only to discover I was in bed.

Pressing my hand to my skull, I began to rub. Looking around I realized I was in my room. The sun was shining through my window and the smell of pancakes and bacon ran into my nose. My stomach began to growl and I swiftly my the way towars my bedroom exit. Making my way to the stairs, I felt something was off. I could not put my tongue on it, so I ignored the feeling. Walking down the staircase, images began to fade into my mind once more. By the time I reached the kitchen, nothing was off anymore.

"Good morning, sweetie." My mom greets as she cooks over the stove, my dad sat across the room reading his magazine. "Morning...mom?" I eye her curiously, feeling as though I was expecting someone else. She eyes me curiously. "Hermione Jean Granger will you stop staring at me like a deer in headlights. Your going to be late to school." I do a doubletake. "School? Here?" Dad interjects, laughing. "Of course. Did you have somewhere else in mind?" I shake my head in confusion, but of what, I am still unsure. "No it's just. I feel like something is missing?" Mom glances at me up and down. "Something like proper attire, maybe?" I follow her eyes to my body, where I am covered in a nightgown. "Now hurry or you won't have time to eat breakfast." I nod and turn, slowly making my way back to my bedroom.

While getting dressed I see that clothes, I could have swore was from over a year were in my closet. But seeing that they were still my size, I put them on. Leaning against my doorframe, closing my eyes the red glow returns. I quickly open my eyes and shuffle out of my room, back down stairs. "In a hurry to finish off your last year in primary school I see?" Dad pats my head as he sips his coffee. "Primary School?" Mother comes up to me and places her hand to my forehead. "Are you feeling alright?" I wave off her concern. "Yes, like Dad said. I want to finish off the last day of school so summer can start." I do not understand why, but something told me I was in for a big change this summer.

(A/N: Told you guys that you were in for a loop. ;>)

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