Sorcerer's stone: Greatness Comes With a Price

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     A few weeks later...
                 We are learning a new levitation spell. After the professor gives instructions he allows us to try on our own. Beside me Wesley is about to take someone's head off with his outrageous hand movements and inability to pronounce the spell correctly. When his wand swings in the direction of my face, I'd had enough. "Stop. Stop. Stop. You're going to take someone's eye out." He groans as Draco and Blaise laugh at him from furhter away. "Besides you're saying it wrong. It's ‘It’s Wing-GAR-dium Levi-O-sa, Not Wingardium Levio-SAAA." He slams his wand down. "Well then, you do it, since you are so clever." I shake my head at him. I adjust my voice to ensure I speak properly and prepare my wand. "Wing-GAR-dium Levi-O-sa." Matched with a perfect swish and flick of my wand, my feather glides into the air with ease. I continue to keep it there as I hold my head up high, facing a frustrated Ron. "Excellent Ms.Granger. Everyone see here. Ms.Granger has done it." Professor Flitwick compliments. Suddenly there was a blast next to Harry. Seamus had blown up with feather. Draco and Blaise burst out laughing. "We are going to need a new feather over here professor."
The middle of the day after classes were down I sat outside in peace reading a book. Weasley and Potter come walking by disturbing that peace with Potter constant whining about how he feared messing up in the Quidditch game. A slam my book close and decide to intervene. "Harry, will you stop worrying you'll be fine." Weasley moans. "Oh, piss off won't you, Know-It-All. No one was talking to you." Harry nudges Ron. "I'm really worried we will lose because of me." Well me being in the opposing house that's what I too was hoping for. "I'm sure you'll do fine. After all, it's in your blood." He gave me a funny look that told me he did not understand, so I yank him over to the trophycase in the hall that displayed his Father's award. "So now will you quit your whining." Ron and Harry glare at me, but I only shrug my shoulders, not caring. Walking away back to my reading spot, I'd hopefully be able to read in peace without hearing about another once of Harry Potter's accomplishments.
The Quidditch game was a lose for us, after Harry caught the snitch. Of course I was more focused on the fact the Professor Snape was performing what first appeared to be a bewitching spell on Henry's broom, but a closer and I saw he was trying to do a counter-spell for someone else who was jinxing the broom. Question was who wanted to bewitch Harry's broom. Itcould not have been Draco because he was standing next to me this entire time. But I surely was going to figure it out.
Earlier that week I remember the night when I was almost killed by a troll thanks to Wealsey's need to impress Harry. Thankfully we made it out alive, but Harry had come up with the idea that Snape was the one who let the troll in. I, knowing Snape, thought there was more to the story. It had to do with that three headed dog we saw when Potter and Weasley, again almost got us killed, by running into the resricted zone of the castle. I believe Snape was protecting whatever that guard dog was protecting and that he got injured while doing it. And somehow Harry was tied to this, because who was trying to sneak pass the gurad dog was also trying to kill Harry. No all I needed to do was connect everything to a single person.

I had time too, since my friends in Slytherin ditched me after finding out about my muggle parents right before winter break. So I put my time into helping Harry solve this mystery, as well as trying to keep Ron alive at his multiple attempts to prove his bravery. By the end of the year we'd settled on the one person who was never around when all off these events occured, because he was trying to steal the sourcerer's stone. Which is what Snape and the guard dog were protecting. The only unanswered question was why did Quirinus Quirrell want to kill Harry. Which was the kicker when we found out who lied on the other side of Quirinus Quirrell's head. Lord Voldemort was using Quirinus Quirrell's body becuase he was too weak to use his own.

In the end Quirinus Quirrell died, along with Voldemort attachment and we were able to alive. At the end of the year my house would've won, with my extra 50 points, but after Dumbledore awarded Harry, Ron and Neville Gryffindor won the house cup for the year. I was proud of myself was helping Harry and Ron, but my housemates saw it as a betrayal. As a result I left home, the same way I arrived to Hogwarts. Friendless.

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