Sanji's time to meet Aki!!

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We were all eating. Something that was bugging me was Sanji staring at Aki. She was done eating and sitting on my lap playing with her stuffed bunny.

"Quit looking at her" I told him.

"Why is she even here?" He asked.

I growled at him. He then made a big quaral with Niji. Aki watched in wonder. I patted her head to draw her attention onto me. She looked at me and tried to take my sunglasses. I pushed away her hands gently. The quite child then yawned. I finished my food and excused myself with Aki.

I then went to my room, and laid Aki down to sleep. After changing her into one of my shirts to sleep in. I looked at her and laid next to her. Holding her into my brod chest. I then fell asleep listening to Aki's soft snores.

Sorry for not updating for awhile. I wanted to but was never able to find a good time to do it. So I hope this is okay for the moment.

One Piece Vinsmoke Ichji x child reader OC!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora