"Enjoy, you complete and utter heathen!" Alex glares at me with disdain because i love bacon with my pancakes.

"Umm, how could you! You wound me Aex, you wound me, but i can guarantee that you have never tried bacon and maple syrup pancakes have you?" I raise my eyebrow at him and slightly tilt my head while placing a delicious forkful of my pancake in my mouth. making sure to savour the taste. I groan lightly in appreciation and look back up to see Alex holding back a laugh.

"What on earth was that?!" He lets the laugh out and it vibrates through my bones.

"What?! I was appreciating the taste because they are the best thing ever created!" I can't help but smile back at him and enjoy the view of him being so carefree and happy. it's something that no-body gets to see very often as he is always having to sort out something or other with work,being the CEO of a multi-trillion dollar company has it's downfalls I guess. 

"That was the cutest thing i think i have ever seen anyone do even if it was hilarious." He flashes me a bright smile as he swallows his bite of pancakes and i blush at his response. We talk about random things over the course of our breakfast until my work phone interrupts us with its shrill ringing through the air just as we are about to leave the cafe. I dig the phone out of my bag and slide the green button across the screen whilst walking towards Alex's car. 

"Alex Parker's office" I speak into the phone as Alex pulls his car away from the sidewalk, his car blends with the rush hour traffic surrounding us as we continue to slowly drive to work. I hear a response on the end of my phone and get the calendar out.

"Yes of course, I have just checked the diary and i have an opening for today at 3pm at our new York office. would that work for you?" I wait for the response, twiddling with the pages in my lap and looking at alex who is staring back at me.  "Okay then, so 3pm at our new York office. What name should I put you down as so that I can tell the receptionist to let you straight up? ..... Mr and Mrs Bryant. okay, that's wonderful, we will see you at 3pm then. thank you, bye" I hang up and write the appointment down in my phone quickly before I forget. 

"If anyone calls up requesting an appointment today between 12 and 3, tell them I am busy." Alex says as the traffic begins to move and we make our way to the underground garage of the office.

"Ok but what are you busy doing?" I respond questioningly

"Well, I mean from one thirty to three I will be busy with you and before that I will be busy getting to know your family, plus, we have to go back to check on Layla anyway right? might as well get to know your mom and adorable little sister whilst we are at it?" Alex turns the engine off after pulling into his parking spot and turns to look at me, placing his hand gently on my knee. I cant help but smile at the fact that he wants to make the effort to get to know my mom and sister and the fact that he is so eager about it. 

"Well that seems like a good enough reason to not be in from 12 til 3. best make something up to tell clients though. i don't think that they will accept the reason that you may well be doing you're personal assistant and getting to know her mother and sister. i do not think that that is going to be an acceptable reason." i look at Alex pointedly.

"i'm going to be doing my assistant am i? that was definitely not my plan but now that you have said that it certainly does sound more appealing than what i had planned." Alex looks at me, his eyes several shades darker with a smirk playing across his full lips. 

"Its a figure of speech Alex!" I lightly smack his arm yet i can't help but giggle along with Alex as i enjoy the moment until i remember that we have to get to work as Alex has a 9 o'clock meeting with some big investors from Dubai. "You know, we should probably get in there now." I remind Alex and he turns to look at me, tucking a loose strand of my red hair behind my ear.

"I know, but first, i need to do something" He leans forward, his hands gently grasping my face and i lean in as he kisses me passionately, his tongue pressing on my lip asking for entrance which i almost immediately grant. Our tongues dance together in our mouths like that for what feels like hours but in reality is actually only a minute or two until we break apart, our faces leaning against one another as we stare into the others eyes, i vaguely notice that somehow my hands have weaved their way into Alex's hair and are now tangled in his luscious, wavy, dark hair. 

"Now we really should go in Alex" I whisper against his lips and he gently kisses my lips one last time then releases me and goes to exit the car until he remembers his briefcase and he leans over my thighs to grab it. I give myself a minute to calm my erratic breathing, smoothing my hair and straightening my blouse slightly. I then grab my bag and get the folders off the back seat and follow Alex to the elevator up to the top floor. We step into the empty elevator and he immediately steps behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling into my neck, i lean back into him and relax. We stay like this fro the entire elevator ride until we get to to the 50th floor and step off to go to Alex's office for a run through of the day. On the way i put all of the folders on my desk outside of Alex's office and then follow him into his office, getting my company iPad out and logging into the calendar. 

"So, what have i got today?" Alex looks at me and i scroll through today's calendar. 

"Today you have got a 9 am meeting with Mr. Sami Qureshi, then you have a 10am video conference with Mr and Mrs O'Brien, after that at 11am you have a meeting with your brother and then of course our schedule is clear from 12 till 3 and then you have the meeting with Mr and Mrs Bryant and then your final appointment is at 4:30 pm at the Armani shop downtown as they asked you to come in one last time for a fitting to do the finishing touches on your suit for Saturdays gala." I finish talking and find Alex staring at me again. "Why are you staring at me, have you smudged my lipstick or something?" 

"No no, i was thinking, about Saturdays gala. I have nobody to go with so i was wondering if, by chance, you would like to join me?" He looks at me begging me with his eyes. 

"Hmm, i mean i would have to check my schedule but of course, did you think i would say no?" I look at him and smile. "And now, Mr Martinez, I have to get to work. If you would excuse me." I get up taking the iPad and my bag with me and then take a seat just outside the office, wondering about what i can wear for the gala on Saturday, there are 10 days until the gala so i will have to find something quickly. I make a quick plan in my head and then sort out all of these files, once i have finished then i start my search for a dress to wear to the gala. 


So so sorry that it took me so long to update!! i am thinking of doing chapter 8 in alex's point of view so that we get to see a bit more about him and his past. what do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2019 ⏰

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