chapter 5

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I placed my bag on the top of the reception desk and bent down slowly so as not to scare her, she was so small, she couldn't have been more than a few hours old. Who would have left such a sweet puppy here? i wrap my hands around her small, furry body and pick her up, snuggling her close to my chest so she stays warm, i then wrap my coat around her so just her head is sticking out. I then sling my hand bag over my shoulder and turn all the lights off as i walk out the door, locking it behind me. Making sure the door is definitely locked behind me i make my way over to the spotless, silver range rover and step into the back seat. I put my bag down by my feet and place the puppy on my lap and wrap her in my scarf so she doesn't get a cold as that would be no good because she is so tiny! I suddenly realise that i have nothing at home that i could use for a bed for her and i don't have any bottles or puppy milk for her so i quickly ask the uber driver to make a detour to the pet store nearby to grab some supplies for her. i quickly text Alex saying 'hey, i found a puppy at work and i don't want to ask my uber driver to wait outside cause it will just be wasting his time so could you please come pick me up from the pet store near our apartments in like fifteen minutes please?' i send the text off just as we pull up outside the pet store so i pay him and climb out of the range rover slowly, making sure the puppy doesn't get unwrapped so she doesn't get cold or fall out of my hands. I walk steadily over to the pet store door and open the door with my back and walk into the bright, warm shop and the bell above the door rings just as it shuts and i feel my phone vibrate against my hip. gently putting the puppy closer to my chest so i am holding her securely with one hand, i grab my phone out of my coat pocket and check my messages. there is one from alex that reads 'Of course. What do you mean you found a puppy at the office though?! Is the puppy okay? Of course i can come pick you up, I'm on my way to the pet store now. I will meet you inside.' i smile at how concerned for the puppy he is and how sweet he is, i respond with a quick "okay"  slidin my phone back into my coat pocket, I make my way over to the dog section of the store. the store assistant stands behind the desk and smiles at me when i walk past. I have no idea what to get for a newborn puppy so i walk over to the smiling lady at the desk and rearrange the puppy in my hands so that she is more comfy but stays asleep.

"Hello, how can i help you today?" the lady asks and flips her head so that her blonde hair out of her eyes and she can see properly.

"Hi, umm, i am hoping that you can help me actually, i have a newborn puppy that i am taking care of for a while and i have just realised that i have nothing at home to take care of her with so i was wondering if you could give me some pointers?" I respond smiling.

"Of course i can help. do you know how old the puppy is? or what breed the puppy is? as that information will really help with what size puppy pads and cage you will need." She smiles kindly and steps out from behind the counter to take me to get the supplies for this adorable puppy.

"I'm not entirely sure how old she is actually, and i don't know what breed she is either. you might be able to though. cause i kind of have her with me." I pull the puppy gently out of my coat where she was tucked cosily inside and gently unravel the scarf so she is in a nest made from the scarf and show her to the store assistant who immediately coos at her and rubs gently behind her ears.

"Awe, how adorable is she?! she looks like a newborn puppy. and by her markings and face shape, i would say she looks like a blue heeler puppy but i cant say for sure. A qualified vet would be able to tell you exactly what breed she is. but, luckily for us, we don't need a qualified vet to be able to help you get everything necessary to take care of this little one." She smiles and scratches gently behind the puppy's ear.

"Thank you." I smile at the assistant and reposition the puppy in my arms. she yawns and snuffles closer into my chest.

"Right, well, you will need some puppy pads, a cage, a bed for inside the cage, or you could use some blankets. and you will need a few bottles to feed her with, some formula for the milk bottles, a collar and a lead. maybe a few chew toys aswell." She smiles as she leads me to the dog section of the store. there is a cute little travel carrier that would fit the puppy in and is just so adorable and i pick it up immediately.

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