Rojuro, Kensei, And Shinji's First Mission Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Shut it, Kensei. I'm not afraid. And to prove you wrong, i'm going there alone." I said. Then walked towards the dinosaur.

Kensei continued to smirk. Then, he put his arms across his chest. (Though, he doesn't have a chest. 😂)
"Fine by me." Kensei said

"Tch." I said. Then, continue to walk closer to the big animal.

Rojuro's POV

"You sure we'll leave him?" I asked

"Sure" Kensei replied

"O....Kay...." I replied

Shinji's POV

I put my arms across my chest.
"That damn Kensei. I'm going to kill him someday. Wait. Who should i kill first? Aizen or Kensei? Wait, does that even matter?" I muttered to myself

As i continued to walk i feel shivers down my spine.

"Aw come on. It's just a big animal, with big eyes, teeth, nose, claws, nails, feet, hands, head. And also, it's unconscious." I said in my mind

I looked at his eyes that are closed.
"He'll wake up anytime, right?" I asked in my mind taking precautions.

As i walk, i look at it's eyes, i do not even dare to blink.
I look back at Rojuro and Kensei.
"H..Hey,....What will you do if it'll wake up?" I asked

"Run away of course." Kensei replied

"What about me?!" I asked

"Good luck." Rojuro tries to encourage me.

"That won't be useful, Rojuro." I said in my mind

I held my chin up. (I mean a bit higher.)
"W-well,....I can use Sakanade on him, right? He has visions." I muttered to myself.

"Do it fast, Shinji." Kensei said

I turned my gaze towards them fast, and put my index finger on my mouth.
"Shhhh" I shushed him up.

I look back on my tracks.
"So,...What should i do?" I asked myself.

I get my camera from my robes. I don't know why but, i'm shaking.

"S-stop shaking. Damn it. I can't take the photos perfectly if i'm shaking." I said in my mind.

I shoot a few photos. And i noticed (or i'm just thinking things) that it's moving.

"No, it can't be moving. It should be unconscious. Okay, okay, Shinji. Calm down. It's just your imagination." I said in my mind.

I shoot more photos of it. Then, i feel strong wind. I looked at the direction where it came from. And the wind came from the dinosaur's nose.

"No....No...Stop...Don't...." I said in my mind.

Then it started to move. I was awestruck. Then, it stand up and  roared.

"Ahhh!!! Run!!!" Rojuro shouted. Then, run away.

"Oi! Rojuro!" Kensei shouted at Rojuro. Then, follow him.

I was shocked by the dinosaur. (IDK why)

"This thing is supposed to be captured." I said. Then, i focus my camera on him. Then, i click the button. But, i forgot that the flash is on. Because of the flash, the dinosaur turned its gaze to me.

"Oh shit..." I muttered.
"Run!!!" I shouted as i run away from it.

"Rose. Kensei. Where are you?" I asked in my mind. (A/N I just remembered that Rojuro is called Rose.)

Rojuro's POV

We just continue running. Who knows how many dinosaurs are here?

"Wait, Rose....We left Shinji." Kensei said as we run.

I stopped running and turned towards him.
"What?" I asked

Kensei also stopped.
"You suddenly ran so i followed you." Kensei said

"How can we find him here in this place?" I asked

"How the hell can i know that?" Kensei asked me


That's It For This Chapter

I'm still waiting for votes for the teams; Byakuya, Toshiro and Kenpachi; and Komamura, Soi Fong and Mayuri.
So far, there are two votes. The both of them votes for Toshiro. I forgot who voted for him, but you know yourselves.
I'll still wait for further suggestions.
Oh, by the way, you can't vote twice, except if your second vote is for the other team.

The next chapter will be; Byakuya, Toshiro and Kenpachi's First Mission Part 2. Yay! But, you still need to wait for me.

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To Be Continued

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