Chapter 4: The Change of Heart

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Y/N:'Oh I will be a laughing stock when this spread even further' I thought then suddenly I saw the tank and see that my crew are already talking to General Mikaira and I saw her face in deep red 'Oh no...I think she's mad right now' I thought then about to turn around when suddenly the right track broke and instead turning right I turned left and about to flip then I blacked out

Mikaira's POV (Before the Crew arrive)

I sat outside relaxing after the help from Y/N battalion arrived and drive off the enemy while his other men brought supplies and took care of the injured. When suddenly I heard from my radio at my side

Y/N [Radio]:"Don't you dare tell her!!" shouted from the radio

Mikaira:"Is that Y/N's voice?" I asked myself in confused 'Tell her? Who's her?' I thought then I blushed a little when I thought if he is actually referring me 'No,no,no,no that's imposible...hahaha' I thought then a bit curious to know the truth

When I was about to lay back again I see some smoke ahead of me then after that I saw General Y/N's Personal Tank then it turn hard right and it was almost about to flip then I saw a Ha-Go Light Tank behind it but it went straight ahead then making a U-turn while the Chi-He tank is now pulled to a halt some 16 meters away from me.

I stood up and walked straight to the Tank when suddenly Y/N's Crew jumped out with a huge grin on their faces and ran up to in line and saluted at me and I returned the salute

Benjiro:"General, I have brought a message from General Y/N" he said while smiling

Mikaira:"Go on" I said then stood steadily hiding my verge to squeal 'From Y/N oh I think I was about to passed out for this' I thought then Benjiro if I was right stood in front while the others stood 1 step back

Benjiro:"This is what he said Directly to us and to his men:'Of course! Her name is cute and perfect for her beauty and her calming voice' and the general is actually referring you" he said and I blushed brighter than a tomato and I felt my cheeks getting a bit hot

Then suddenly the same Ha-Go tank from earlier arrived in view with full speed then half way it turned right but the right track broke and instead it turned hard left and then flipped 7 times because it was heading downhill

All Y/N's Crew:"Y/N!!!" They shouted in unison and start sprinting to the almost destroyed tank and I just stood there and didn't wanna believe from what I just heard

Mikaira:"Y-Y/N?!" I said with a raised tone then felt my cheeks wet. I am crying then saw my men ran to me "Go call the medics.FAST!" I shouted an order then ran to the tank and saw the crew trying hard to remove the hatch

Eito:"Y/N! Hang in there! we're going to get you out of there!" He shouted at the front with a small window at the driver side

I ran to the front and Eito and Genkei hold my arms to stop me

Mikaira:"Let me go!!!" I shouted at them but their faces has the hint of something terrible happened to Y/N. "I ORDER YOU BOTH TO LET ME GO SO THAT I CAN LOOKED INSIDE!!!" I shouted to the top of my lungs and they released me in fear

I ran to the front while I saw to the side is the soldiers with some tools and the medical team is also here while the others trying to pry open the hatch but still no use so when I reached and looked inside I gasped from the horrifying fate of Y/N

Mikaira:"Y/N!!! Wake up!!" I shouted but he didn't respond even any sign that he's still fine

Y/N is covered in blood and the bullet ammo of the tanks is everywhere less are on top of Y/N

Mikaira:"Please!! Don't die on me!!" I shouted and crying until I felt weak that I fell on my knees and kept crying while the others keep trying to open the hatch while Eito and Genkei is trying to comfort me

Eito:"Big bro won't die just by a mere accident" he said forcing himself to smile but I looked at him only to see that he also tearing up while genkei dropped down on his knees while using his hands to support

Genkei:"This....can'" he said between sobs

I just sat at the front of the tank not believing of what just happened and suddenly I fainted

13 Minutes Later

I regain my vision but my body is a bit weak but I can still stand up. I looked around to see that Y/N have just putted inside at the back of the truck with more medics at his sides to bring him back

Mikaira:"Y-Y/N" I whisper then fall front first to the ground and 2 of my soldiers helped me up then bring me to a nearby medic

Medic:"General, please relax" he said while I try to force the words I about to say out

Mikaira:"Is he fine?" I said with a worried tone

Medic:"I am sorry but we are still trying our best to bring him back with us. But what we discovered is that some bullet ammo of the tank pierced his insides" he said while I gasped in horror of what happened to him earlier. "But we are making sure that it isn't his heart that has been pierced" he continued to reassure me

Mikaira:"Y/N..." I whisper then I felt my eyes are heavy so I losed my eyes then drift off to sleep

Kumi's POV

I saw what has just happened to Y/N from afar and I ordered my men to bring a message to the driver

???:"Princess, is there something you need me to do?" he asked while bowing

Kumi:"I want you to order the driver that holds Y/N that:'You must bring him to the Imperial Palace...Fast" I commanded to him and he nodded and ran off through the field until he reached the truck. "I will make sure that you will live till you make my father's dream come true,Y/N" I whisper then I felt my eyes are starting to tear up 'And maybe I would make you as my husband one way or another' I thought then I went I inside the armored car then rode to the port south of Korea

Boom!! Cliffhanger!!


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