Chapter 2

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I woke up to a pounding at my door. Groaning I forced my open to be met with my messy room, and a sleeping Luke on a mattress on the the floor. The knocking continued, echoing through my quiet apartment.

I made my way to the door a peered through the peep hole. A half naked Michael Clifford was stood in ether cold. I opened the door and was all but tackled as he ran into my living area.

"Um Michael, where are your clothes?" He ignored me and fell onto my couch.


"I didn't sleep at all last night!" I frowned,

"And why is that." He looked up grinning,

"Evie has the stamina of a horse! Good Lord I have a good eye for the ladies." I groaned,

"You woke me up at 7am to tell me about your sexcapades? Couldn't this have waited until like, midday?" He shook his head,

"She didn't have any food and I'm hungry and I know for a facts at you have croissants in the pantry." I glared at him as he walked into the kitchen.

"Go buy your own, I worked hard to pay for those. And they're for the twins." He groaned,

"Your Dad got you babysitting again?" I nodded sleepily.

"Yep, he had what's-her-face are having a spa weekend and decided to dump the brats with me for the weekend, again." He placed the croissants back in the cupboard,

"Just for that fact I'm going to go buy Nutella, a random Disney movie and the new Hobbit movie. I'll help ya keep them tamed."

This was the Michael I liked best. The sympathetic Michael who knew how much I disliked having my half siblings at my place.

"I'll be back in an hour, and hopefully I'll be dressed." He kissed the top of my head and waltzed out the door.

"S'that Mikey?" A half asleep Luke stumbled into the kitchen wearing the same clothes as last night. 

"Yeah, he's coming back in hour or so." He nodded, his eyes not quite open yet.

"Mind if I go crash in your room again? I'm exhausted." I waved in his general direction as I flicked the kettle on.

"Go ahead. The twins will be here at 10 so whether you wanna be here then or not." He grumbled a response and walked back down the hallway.

When I was 12 my parents split after my Mum found out that my Dad was having an affair with some woman he worked with. A year later, within a week of of the divorce being finalised, he married this woman, Maria. Now I couldn't stand the woman, even more her son Harry who, thankfully, lived in Perth. But my Dad and Maria decided that marriage wasn't enough, they wanted kids. Thus the birth of the twins, my Dad's prized achievements.

Two little brats, Olivia and Grace, now nearly 5 years old set out to make my life hell. Both Dad and Maria saw me as a free babysitting service, often ditching the pair with me on he the weekends while they went off spoiling themselves while I was stuck caring for the pair.

I actually didn't hate them, we get along really well. Just the concept that we have different Mums messes with my brain. They're good kids, just a little demanding.

My phone started ringing loudly from the coffee table. The custom ringtone telling me it was Michael. I grabbed it just before it went to voicemail.

"God Chai I thought you'd never pick up! I'm at sanity, which movie should I get for the girls?"

"Um, try one of the original Disney princess movies. I don't think they've seen them."

"Ugh, so like sleeping beauty or something?" I smiled, Michael always remembered my favourite movies.

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