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I stared at him... The tall man With no face and a black suit on. I couldn't say anything the buzzing in my head became more and more alarming. My vision became blurry as I couldn't see anything, I slowly started to freak out as my breathing became faster. The next thing I knew I was passed.
-few hours later-
I slowly wake up, I look around the room and it's not familiar to me. The doors wide-open, the windows are closed and blinded up. I set up in the bed as a piercing pain floods through my head. I slowly start to freak out but I grab my chest and breathe in and out calmly, closing my eyes and trying to wake up from this nightmare. The last thing I remember was that tall man with no face... Does he have something to do with this? Are my friends OK? Is my family OK? Am I going to be OK? All these questions with no answers. I slowly get up and press my warm feet against the cold ground. I slowly slide myself to the door cautiously. I don't want to die yet... I looked on the hall all the other doors are closed and seem to be locked. I walk down the hallway looking for any clues to where I am. I hear little girl laughing but of course that couldn't be the man so who could it be?

Sally's View
" she going to play with me?" I jump up-and-down excitedly as I look up at my father figure. He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know. "She better." I glared and pouted as I cross my arms and look to the stairs, I hear creaking so she must be up. I run and hide behind slender. He protectively holds his arm in front of me as if he didn't know what the newcomers reaction will be.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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