A night to remember.

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You ran out of the woods shaking and breathing is fast as your friends laughed at your appearance. "Wow u run into 'slender' or something?" They laughed and rolled around as you whimper and nod. They look at you and laugh more "hahahahah good joke (Y/N)!" You shake your head as you were serious and run back to your house as you hear them yell "where you going (Y/N)!??" "Hooommeee" is all you said and ran. You slammed your front door open and then shut behind you as you continue to shake. You run up to your room "I'm going to bed!!!" You say and scream to ur parents as they were a bit confused but shrugged it off. "Ok sweety" you slam your door closed as your room is completely dark. You lay on your bed and roll on your bed. "Omg omg omg no no no!" You scream into your pillow. Just then you hear a buzzing sound in your head. You turn and see the dark tall man.....slender man.

Slender X readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang