His mouth went wide, and he was gaping like a fish before letting out a series of nods and holding the door open so she could walk through. He was home alone, his dad being called in on a robbery a few hours ago. Stiles wasn't even taking the chance of leaving the house, not when his dad practically said he would kill him if he left after curfew. 

        "Um, so, what are you doing here?" Stiles asked once they got to his room, scratching the back of his neck while watching her look around. She must have gotten a kick out of the posters on his wall because she turned around to look at him with a ghost of a smile on her face. "I mean, not that I don't want you here. It's just you were ignoring me all day today and—" 

        "You were a dick to me. Obviously, I'm going to ignore you. But, Derek is being a bigger dick, therefore your dick comment has been subsided for the time being," Sage bluntly told the boy. She started to pull off her jacket while Stiles stood there awestruck at the girl's comment. You could definitely tell that Hale's had raised her. 

        "Listen, I'm sorry about saying that in the car," Stiles spluttered out, rubbing on his arm as he walked over to his bed while Sage occupied a spot in his desk chair. "I was just tired and irritated—" 

        "Stiles, it's fine. It may have pissed me off but you're the only one I can talk to at the moment," Sage admitted, giving a slight shrug to ward off his concern. 

        Stiles cracked a smile. "Taking me up on the offer?" 

        "I figured I might as well come over since I said we were hanging out," Sage confided, trying to come up with a better excuse for not having anywhere else to go tonight.

        Stiles resisted the urge to wince at the words hanging out because, once again, they were brought up in a situation he wasn't comfortable with. He was totally being gay-friended. Is this what his life has come to? A hot girl sitting in his room wanting to talk to him about problems? What he really wanted to do was grab a hold of her and just kiss her.

        Yeah, they barely knew each other but come on.  "Alright, so what exactly did you want to talk about?" 

        "Last night, actually," Sage said, pursing her lips.

         She hated to bring it up again, but she really needed to tell someone other than Derek. She contemplated the whole idea on the way here— and she really, really had to pep talk herself because this wasn't something she was going to share with anyone, especially Stiles. "What about it?"

        "You asked me about what happened the night of the party. Do you still want to know?" 

        "Yeah, of course," Stiles answered, nodding his head. Sage sighed before turned around to scramble through some things on his desk. When she caught sight of something that would work in her favor, she turned back around to hold up the object. "Tape?" 

        "No. The sharp part that cuts the tape." Sage pointed towards the tape dispenser that was sharp enough to cut someone. "Now, hopefully this works. Otherwise, you're just going to be bleeding." 

        "Whoa, wait. What?" he asked, shooting eyebrows a mile high as she handed the dispenser to him. 

        "I need you to cut yourself. Even if it's just a prick." 

        Stiles was absolutely baffled."Why?" 

        "Stiles, just do it," Sage instructed, pleading for him to do it with no questions asked.

         Stiles sighed before bringing the sharp edge to his finger, moving it to the side so that he got a small cut on his thumb. It didn't hurt, but he was still confused as to why she made him do it. Looking up from his bleeding scratch, he noticed that Sage was grinning down at her own thumb, excited. When it was shoved in his face, he noticed that there was indeed a replica of his own wound. It just wasn't bleeding like his.

Sage ▸ Stiles Stilinski [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now