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"Who are you chatting with this time?" Seung Ri asks as he enters the dressing room and sees Young Bae busy on his phone.

"I don't chat with somebody else. I'm just asking Luna if she likes my present to her." Young Bae answers while sneaking on Seung Ri's face and looking back on his phone screen.

"Luna?" TOP says and grins.

"What?" Young Bae asks him with a mean gaze.

TOP just shrugs his shoulder and drinks his coffee while reading their rehearsal's script.

"Since we came, you never stop messaging that girl." GD butts in when he came out of the toilet after hearing their conversation.

"Her name is Luna. Not 'THAT GIRL'" Young Bae says emphasizing those words. He places his phone back in his pocket and faces his teammates.

"Whatever," GD says and sits next to Seung Ri.

Dae Sung, who's reading some updates on his social media account and sitting on a chair facing the dressing room's mirror, stops his activity and faces his team mate's and butts in after hearing them questioning Young Bae's closeness to Luna.

"Guys! What's wrong with them messaging each other? They're friends." Dae Sung says.

"Friends? Really?" GD sarcastically says.

"Yes! Come on! She saved my life." Young Bae answers.

"And you became friends?" GD says as he grins and grabs the script from the center table.

"Don't tell me you're jealous." TOP asks GD and laughs a bit.

"What? Me?" GD

"You're jealous that your best friend is busy talking to someone else." Seung Ri teases GD.

Everybody knows how close GD and Young Bae are and how long they've been friends even before their team debuts as Big Bang.

"Of course not!" GD immediately says defending himself. "I'm just worrying because they just met each other once and they haven't known each long but they seem to be very close. She just took Bae hyung's home, contacted us to pick him up and that's it! Anyone can do that."

"Hey! She didn't ask for anything in return. Besides that, I saw people looking at me and passing through me without even asking if I'm alright?" Young Bae answers back. "She's the only one who came there and helped me."

Dae Sung, TOP, and Seung Ri shut their mouth as they feel the tension between the two. Ever since they came from the Philippines and Luna and Young Bae's communication continues, GD became so irritated with the girl. For some reason, he seems to be possessive of his best friend and jealous of their friendship.

That night after their guesting at that noontime show, Young Bae called GD to have a drink at his house.

"Hey!" GD calls when he sees Young Bae sitting on the side of the pool, drinking wine with his feet soaking in the water.

"Hey! Come here!" Young Bae greets him back as he comes close to him.

"What are you doing?" GD asks wondering why all of a sudden he calls him to have a drink. "Something wrong?" he again asks when Young Bae just smiles at him.

"Nothing." Young Bae

Young Bae gets up and walks with GD toward the garden table and sits there.

"I invited her to come to Japan for vacation." Young Bae says as they sit.

GD looks at him thinking who is he talking about?

Young Bae looks at him checking his reaction, waiting if he'll be surprised when he continues talking.

"I know you don't like her. But she's nice. She's been very encouraging and supportive." Young Bae continues.

GD gives him a surprised yet mean look when he realizes that he's talking about Luna. He then grabs the wine and pours some onto an empty glass on that table. He drinks it slowly... getting fast... until he drinks it all until the last drop.

"She's a fan. Your fan. Of course, she'll support and encourage you. They're all the same. Every fan will make you feel the same way as what she's doing now." GD states while holding and playing with that wine glass.

Young Bae smiles when he hears his best friend say those words. He knows why he's being protective of him. GD saw his worst and struggling situation when he got divorced from his ex-wife Hyo Rin. He was in his deepest despair after getting into failed marriage. And GD was there trying to push him to fight for those days he doesn't even want to wake up with.

"Are you in a relationship with her?" GD suddenly asks.

Young Bae grins while looking at his friend's eyes. "No. We're friends," he answers.

"Really?" GD asks with meaning.

"Yeah! We're friends." Young Bae repeats.

"And you want to take her to Japan?" GD

"Why not?" Young Bae's answers in question. He then pours wine into their glass. "We've been friends for about... 8 months?" he continues thinking if he's sure with his statement. "She's very interesting. She's funny. And straightforward. She tells me how she hates seeing me with full makeup. How I look good with simple clothes... she makes me smile."

GD listens and looks at Young Bae and how he describes Luna. How serious yet happy his eyes are while saying those things to him.

"You like her," GD says.

Young Bae looks at him and smiles. "I want to know her more," he says and drinks wine.

GD sighs and drinks his too.

"I know it'll be just a short while, but at least I will be able to see a bit of her personality." Young Bae

"So when do you plan to take her there?" GD asks.

"About a week? Or it depends if there's more time." Young Bae answers, not even sure how long will it be.

GD just shakes his head with the things he hears from his friend. He feels the happiness that his bestfriend's feels while talking about Luna. He's happy with it. But for some reason, he's still against his decision.

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