1 | the littles

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jungkook, taehyung and jimin has just come home from a photo shoot that only the maknae line had to attend.

they were tired as hell, drained from their never ending schedule and just wanted to lie down and relax. photo shoot after photo shoot, dance practice after dance practice, it was too much.

they walked into the dorm saw everyone else on the couch, on their phones. that was until the walked in and all the attention was on them.

everyone then sat up from the couch and jin gestured for them them to sit down, and they complied. the three sat on the couch and was confused as to what their motive was

in reality, the olders noticed that the three haven't been in little space lately. due to their schedule, they haven't been able to, and it's really taken a toll on their stress level. they usually don't force them into little space, but in times like this, they didn't have a choice.

jin went to get the remote and changed the channel to the kids network, meanwhile hoseok went into taehyung's room to get his favorite dinosaur toy and into jimin's room to get his coloring books.

he came out of the room and set them on the table in front of him. taehyung and jimin eyed the items in front of them while jungkook stared deeply at the tv, feeling himself fall into headspace.

"babies? are you there." jin said in a soft voice.

"mama!" they all said in unison as they got off the couch and jumped on jin. the oldest smiled widely.

"so what are we? chopped liver?" hoseok said and all the littles heads turned to him.

"sorry!" they all said in unison once again. jimin ran to yoongi, taehyung ran to hoseok and jungkook ran to namjoon, engulfing then in hugs.

"now, i know you wanna play but it's dinner time i know you guys haven't eaten all day." jin said and all the littles groaned.

"wanna watch tv!" jungkook whined and slumped his shoulders. "baby, it's late and you have to eat, i promise you can play tomorrow." jin said as he went over to jungkook and removed the leather jacket the younger was wearing.

jin went into the kitchen to take the jjajangmyeon that he was preparing off the stove. meanwhile everyone else sat down at the table.

jin prepared 7 plates of jjajangmyeon and put a portion of green beans in each one. he liked to make sure his band mates were healthy. "what do my babies want to drink?" he called from the kitchen.

"milk!" jimin yelled

"apple juice!" taehyung and jungkook yelled. jin then have our the plates of food and went back into the kitchen to get the drinks that the littles requested. then making sure to get water for him and everyone else.

jin sat down at the table and began to eat, everyone complimenting him on his cooking and the littles looked happy. "so babies, how was your day?"

"soooooo eggsausting!" taehyung said and jin laughed at his attempt to say the word "exhausting".

"all the flashy lights made my eyes hurt." jimin pouted and everyone cooed at him. he seemed littler than usual, maybe around the age of 3 or 4.

everyone continued to eat except jungkook, who was finished with his jjajangmyeon, but didn't eat the green beans. jin took notice.

"kookie, eat your green beans." he said and jungkook shook his head.

"don't wanna."

jungkook was stubborn and was a hassle to get him to do anything. "kookie, eat your green beans." jin said with a more stern tone.

"no! i don't wanna!" jungkook said with his arms crossed. jin sighed then looked at namjoon for help. if jungkook didn't listen to him, he would listen to namjoon.

"kookie-ah, finish your food." namjoon said but jungkook shook his head once again. "i. don't. wanna!" he raised his voice

"do you want to be punished?" namjoon said sternly and that's when jungkook got scared. he could have his tv privileges taken away, or even worse, spanked. but at the same time, he didn't want to eat disgusting green beans. he should have a right to want to eat them or not, so he thought.

"i don't like green beans daddy! they're yucky!" jungkook whined.

"how about this kookie, if you eat your green beans, i'll give you a cookie later." hoseok tried to reason with him. leave it to hoseok to try to bribe the little ones. he would spoil them and give them whatever they wanted.

"cookie?" jungkook's eyes sparkled at the word "cookie". hoseok nodded and jungkook instantly began eating his green beans. they were surprised he didn't choke at how fast he was eating.

"all done!" jungkook said proudly as he pushed his empty plate away from him.

"good job kookie!" jin said and jungkook smiled. he felt accomplished and though he made his caregivers proud.

meanwhile, taehyung was making his green beans fight each other, making fighting noises as he did so.

"don't play with your food taetae." namjoon said and taehyung gave him an apologetic smile. "sorry daddy." he said as he shoved green beans in his mouth.

namjoon ruffled his hair and enjoyed the rest of his dinner.

A/N: oh hello there. this is kinda trash but lmao once again, just a stress reliever.

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