" hyung she is not her , call everyone " and i started looking in the second floor , still nothing and i started to panic, i called her but her phone was off , damn it y/n it's not a good time  to close your phone. as i was running and looking for her in the house one of our securities came to me

" Mr LEE we have looked everywhere but she is not here " my eyes winded and i grabbed his colloer

" where the fuck were you ha!! where !! you are fucking idiots all of you " and i pushed him so hard that his back hits the wall  , don't blame me i was furious and frustrated , few moment ago she was with me , and now she is nowhere to be found , i had no idea what happened or how she disappeared like this , because this place of all was like a fucking fort security everywhere and above that there was my security that no one knew about  except Mr Cho , how the fuck did she perish just like this.

siwon and yeung came running and hardly breathing " we looked everywhere , but we found nothing , no one saw anything , the last time she was seen was when she entered the bathroom but she never came back"

"what the fuck !! is there  like an alice magical whole or something in there are you kidding me !! how come she went there but never get out ! there is something wrong here !! hyung i need to find her now , she is in danger i can feel it"  and my tears started streaming down without my consent .

30 minutes already passed and still no sign of y/n , don't forget that we were in some else's party that means people were still there , i was in the security control room checking the security cameras , to find how the fuck did she got out or what exactly happened , Mr Cho came in the room

"son i am so sorry , i don't know how this happened , we were very careful and they kept a close eye on her , i don't know how all this happened " and he turned eyeing his head of security giving him a threatening look 

"it's not your fault Mr Cho even my men didn't catch it , we will find her "

" i hope son , and all my men are at your disposal , i wish i could stay longer but as you know my guest are all waiting , and we need to keep all this quiet " 

"of course Mr Cho i understand and i would love if we keep this all between us " he patted my shoulder giving me courage and left.

i felt as is someone was shredding my heart into pieces , i couldn't focus my head was spinning , just the idea of her being hurt drives me crazy , i was hopeless and lost , we couldn't find any clue of where she was or how it all happened.

suddenly my phone started ringing and as i checked the caller it was indeed her , my crazy cousin , i picked the call

" hello "

"hello my dear cousin , i know you miss me , don't you ?"

" of course i do , very badly that i can't wait to see you and break your neck you little bitch" i said clenching my fist trying to control my self 

she started laughing hysterically 

" ohh Lee Donghae you never change , but anyway it's not my fault , i have warned you , don't come near someone else or i will destroy them ! Donghae if you are not mine then you will never be with someone else" she said with a devilish tone , and i could hear y/n scream in the back

" Mina no !! listen !! MINA DON'T HURT HER OK!! i will do whatever you want ! just tell me where you are and i will come , just dont touch her "  i felt as if someone pushed me from a cliff my heart fell and i couldn't control my breathing it was like i was choking , she is hurting her , that crazy bitch is hurting her .

" i thought so Donghae ! i knew you would do anything for her , but why you love her so much donghae why !! what does she have that i don't !! tell me what !! you love her so much and you never looked at me not even once , even in the past you liked that slut more than me , she was nothing and she has nothing special yet you chose her over me !!

" Mina don't you dare talk about her !! i swear if you do anything to y/n i will kill you with my own hand do you hear me !" i threatened her 

she laughed and i was sure she was completely out of her mind " lee Donghae your are such a baby , listen to me your hooker is here and if you want me to spare her you need to come her and beg for her life and your because now i am not sure if i will want to see you alive too , its just that i want to end it all , her ,you and e , lets just end it all what you think" 

"ok Mina just tell me where you are and i will come " i said fear in my voice , because i knew she was serious about what she just said 

" i will tell you where , but i need you to come alone and leave all dogs behind you it was hard enough to get ehr out of there , so if you want to get all your men killed then bring them i dont care , and you know how serious i am !! do you understand me donghae i need you to come alone" 

" OK MINA !! JUST DONT HURT HER " and had to listen to that crazy bitch because she has y/n and i can't risk her safety .

without a word i took my car and went to where she told me 







sorryyyyyyyy i was sick a i had a emotional block i couldn't think i feel my head is in battle i am writing more than 4 stories in my head i feel lost a bit :p

its almost finished T T


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