The Isle of the Lost: Run and Hide

Start from the beginning

A while later she startled awake not having even noticed that she'd fallen asleep in her hiding spot, it didn't take long to figure out what woke her. Standing in front of her having knocked away the junk she had crawled up under was a man and he tried to grab her but she scrambled away and under some more scattered odds and ends, they weren't giving up though and were following her and knocking away things as they gave chase and eventually she couldn't find anything else to hide under and had to take off running again.

The little girl was tired of running, in fact, she was just plain tired.

The sun was nearly set at this time, so it made running through the streets more dangerous, but the little brunette had no other option if she wished to flee her pursuer which she did want very much. Being much smaller than the grown villain that was chasing her was to her disadvantage this time because she wasn't hiding but running and he was faster, bigger and knew the area.

Just as he reached for her it appeared that luck, for the time being, was on her side because she tripped and fell making him miss her, but he was now within reaching distance, so she wouldn't get lucky a second time. At least that's what she thought until she heard the bad man scream followed by another voice, "Get up, come on!"

Not needing to be told twice she did as the voice directed and without a backward glance to see what had befallen her hunter she followed after the voice, "This way he'll never find you up here!"

It didn't take long to see a glimpse of the figure she was following, it was a kid! A kid like her, what was another kid doing on the Isle, did someone take them too?

Before when she was so focused on escape and staying hidden the little girl didn't take the time to survey her surroundings and see that the enemies that surrounded her were not all adults like she had assumed they were.

In fact, Jane was just about to learn something that she never knew, that villains had children too.

Jane could barely keep up, the kid who was a boy from what Jane could tell kept slowing down only long enough to shout things like, 'Keep up.' 'Hurry up.' 'You're such a slowpoke.' And 'No wonder he almost caught you.'

It was annoying her but through all her huffing at trying to keep up with him she couldn't waste air on a comeback, not that she could think of one, the blue-eyed girl was really tired. Just as she thought that she stopped running.

"Come on slowpoke just up this ladder now!" She looked up to where the voice that she now thought to be the most aggravating sound in the world was coming and slowly started to climb it all the while thinking that's what he'd said about the last ladder they went up.

This had to be the third one now, how much further would they need to go to be safe?

Speaking of some of the ladders didn't feel very safe and her mom would ground her if she found out about all the rooftops that Jane had run across today. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad though, being grounded because she was sure to be grounded you'd have to be on the ground first. Never had heights bothered her but looking down from rooftops might have changed that and it didn't help that the sun had set while she followed him.

It didn't really help that she had to jump or crawl across thin boards between a few of them either but after the one time, he called her a 'scaredy cat' she sucked it up.

Getting to the top she finally came face to face with the little boy who was grinning at her, the first thing the girl noticed was his shoulder-length hair was a dark color and that it wasn't sweaty and stuck to him like hers was and that he wasn't breathing as heavily as her, in fact, he didn't seem to be breathing hard at all.

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