The Isle of the Lost: Run and Hide

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Maleficent furious, "How could you have lost her!" She yelled at her underling, the dark fairy had thought the child was too petrified to move let alone run away, "I-I'll find her!" She glares at his quivering from, "You had better," He nods but doesn't move, "What are you waiting for an invitation, go and find her now!" Without further delay, the terrified lackey runs off to do just that, "When I get my hands on that brat-" Her frown turns into a wicked grin, "I'll make sure that she won't ever try and run from me again."

Turning quickly, she points to another minion nearby by, "You. Go find my daughter and bring her to me." The minion doesn't need to be told twice he's gone the second she finishes her demand.

"Umm..." The kidnapper and previous Auradonian starts but stops short of actually saying what is on his mind, "Well, now that you've spoken, continue what is it?" The malicious fairy questions.

"Why are you having Mal brought here?" The new underling asked nervously.

Maleficent didn't seem to notice his nerves and answered in an almost pleasant voice, "For a lesson of course."

"A lesson...?"

"Yes, a lesson. One that my daughter and our little guest will both remember for a long time, after all, what sort of mother would I be if I let the opportunity for such a learning experience to slip past me." The smile that graced her face was nothing short of menacing.

Jane was currently out of breath, she had pulled together all her courage to sneak away as soon as her kidnappers' backs were turned and once she was far enough away she had started to run and hasn't once stopped until now.

The small girl hadn't given much thought to the sights and sounds before as her own breaths and heartbeats sounded so loud in her ears and her eyes were only keeping watch for anyone following behind her but now that she's stopped running she can hear and see more clearly than before and she wishes that she couldn't.

The sounds were a mix of cries, shouts, and what she now knew to be evil laughter all around it was hard to make heads or tails of which way certain sounds were coming from, but Jane knew one thing she didn't want to get close to any of them be they frightened or evil.

The little girl was very much out of her depth and now she could feel eyes on her too, it made her paranoid, was it the kidnapper or was someone else watching her. Did it matter? Everyone here was bad, she was surrounded by nothing but mean people and if they caught her they'd probably yell at her or pull her hair and shove her like the evil fairy did.

Never having been treated so roughly before her childish mind didn't know that the dangers were much worse than that of receiving a few bruises but that was enough for her to know that she needed to keep away from others. So the girl bent down and started to crawl underneath things to avoid the attention of being out in the open, she could use her small body and the surrounding junk littered all around to her advantage so for now, that's what she'd do.

Hopefully, soon her mom would find out what happened and come to rescue her from this awful place, then she'd go home, and her mom would give her hugs and kisses and cookies and then she'd forget all about this awful place.

After finding a good spot with her back against a wall and decent view of the feet the walked by she sat and waited.

And waited and waited and waited and... it was taking a terribly long time for her mom to find her, would she be able to if she kept hiding?

The girl had to keep hidden though or else bad guys would get her, just then she was drawn out of her worries by a big pair of feet that came closer than most, she tensed up. After what felt like a lifetime but was in reality only a few seconds they left, and she relaxed a bit and once again she waited only this time the tears were back, but she sniffed a little and kept them from falling from her eyes.

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