The Android That Lost Hope

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I'm back!!!!

One would expect the sound of nature, hear birds chirping or whatever. Or feel the breeze of cold air or hot air from the day being up with its signature sun. The cold air belonging to the night sky.

But she didn't feel anything at all. No breeze to be felt or noise to be heard. Everything, if describing to one with experience to solitude, was just dead.

If presentations are in order, her name is Ryuko Hayashi, age...something. Who knows how old she was now.

50? No.

200? Nah...

Maybe 500?

And she's an android, surprise! But this isn't why she can't feel the breeze. Hearing has nothing to do with her current situation. Her systems developed tricks and allowed for her brain and spinal cord to feel hot and cold in her feet, her hands, and face.

It was the fact that here she was...stuck in space. The dead

She had hoped that the portal she created with her speed would lead to another planet...or another alternate universe like last time. But that didn't happen...she was literally stuck in space and all she could mutter out was. "...Fuck..."

If she was a human, she would have been dead the first minutes out here. But all she could muster out was waving her arms around and swear for the next hour.

"Why am I here? I can't believe this! This is so UNFAIR!" she cried out as she removed her helmet and threw it out for the nothingness to take, not that it can.

"Stupid portal...stupid ability. Stupid me for believing that this will actually work." Ryuko grunted as she let herself relax and crossed her arms. "You know what...I give up!"

"You hear me! I. Give. UP!" Ryuko shouted one in particular. "...I give up...again."

No...lost wouldn't be the word in this situation. It was more freaking purpose at all. Yeah, that's it. There was no point for her...everything was gone. Everyone was gone, they have been gone for the first 100 years, buried them all after finding their corpse or when the time came. Then, she had to wait...for nothing. No point of staying active anyway, so she shut herself off. Powering down was rather easy but the dreams...the bad dreams. They were there.

Ayumu, her brother.








Everyone else was gone now...but she is cursed to stay young, to stay alive, and to stay here! What was the point!

"Screw this! What's the point, anyway? You know what? I'm glad to being stuck in space. Can't run and can't move in space. Screw fate! I can stay here! I can shut down again and stay that way!" Ryuko shouted, frustration wasn't the only feeling she was having.

It didn't cut it that upon waking up, the center of Metro City was nothing but ruins, grass has grown overtime. Their tech was in ruins, teleportation devices, shields, weapons. They were either stolen, but that fact isn't convincing, or too ruin for use.

After that...

All she could do was run. Nothing else matter now.

How much time has she just wasted remembering some of the past? Hours? Maybe a day, hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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