Just Two Favors

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Elsa's POV

Study hall.  The escape from Luna that I desperately needed. And it couldn't come soon enough.

Of all the kids in school Luna had picked me to be stuck in her shadow. She probably would have made me carry her books for her, but apparently making a girl with a broken leg carry stuff was low even by her standards. But that didn't make things any easier.

But study hall, which was hosted in the library, was one of the painfully few opportunities where she had a chance to see other members of her band. Surely she'd want to catch up with them.

Apparently that wasn't the case.

I hobbled my way to a table near the shelves of biographies and Luna sat right beside me.  She wasn't the only one.  One of her band members, the one who looked like he was related to her, and a student I recognized as from my school but I didn't know the name of joined our table as well.

"I don't think I've introduced you to my friends, little sparkle," Luna said in a hushed whisper.  It was a library, after all.  I just shrugged.  "This is my brother, Pitch," Luna nodded her head towards the band member, "and this is our new keyboardist Hans."

"I thought you already had a keyboardist," I whispered.  I could remember him, the redhead who didn't look as cold as the others.  This Hans kid was a redhead too, but I couldn't figure him out yet.

"Robert got kicked," Luna explained off-handedly.  At that moment the librarian called for silence and all whispering ceased.  I pulled out my math notebook to try and get some work done.

A note fluttered onto my homework.  I pulled it towards me and read quickly.

Mind doing my homework for me too, little sparkle?

Was Luna serious?  Do her homework for her?  That was crossing the line.  I scribbled a quick response and passed the note back.

Sorry, rules are rules.  You've got to do your own work.

I tried to focus on my assignment but she passed another note to me.  I read it over.

You want to do it like this?  Sparkle, I don't ask for much from people.  You get the honor of helping me out while I'm here.  You might even find that I can be useful to you.  But all I want in return are some easy homework assignments.  Oh, and stop flirting with Jack.  He's my toy.

Frustration started to bubble beneath my skin.  Who did she think she was, ordering me around?  And to talk about Jack like he wasn't even a person . . .

Jack isn't a toy, I scribbled furiously before shoving the note back.  Luna frowned at me.

He's like a puppy.  I'm just training him on how to behave and how to earn what he wants.  You don't like the toy analogy, fine.  He's my project.  And I'd suggest you stop arguing and take the deal.  Don't forget how easy it was for me to recruit a new member here.  Don't forget how you can't do anything against me while my band is a guest at your school.  And don't forget that you're not invincible, sparkle.  Somebody broke your leg.  You could break something else if you aren't careful.  Or Anna.  Or anyone really.

And with that the fight fizzed out.  I reluctantly nodded.  Luna grinned broadly, passing over several worksheets.  I frowned at the small pile, but there wasn't anything I could do.  Luna took the note back, folded it neatly into a paper crane, and put it in her backpack.  And me?

I started the worst weeks of my life.

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